Food for Thought

“We are shaped by our thoughts; we
become what we think. When the mind is
pure, joy follows like a shadow that
never leaves.” - Buddha

Affirmations for Life Purpose

  • The better I know myself, the clearer my purpose becomes
  • I am meant to do great things.


Pensioners put health at risk by 'hidden drinking' in their own home

Pensioners put health at risk by drinking indoors
Our own research shows growing numbers of older people are suffering with mental and physical problems caused by regularly drinking above recommended limits, often in their homes.This “hidden drinking” leads to an increased risk of chronic and killer health problems such as diabetes, cognitive impairment, sleep issues, and depression.Express
Emily Robinson, Alcohol Concern


Yoghurt can beat high blood pressure, claims new study

Blood pressure, Yoghurt, Yoghurt can cut blood pressure, blood pressure yoghurt, Express health

BOOSTING bacteria in the gut from the flora and fauna found in a pot of yoghurt could affect heart health, say experts.The studies suggest regular consumption of probiotics can be part of a healthy lifestyle to help reduce high blood pressure. Express

Dr Jing Sun


Is milk giving you cancer? Seven reasons to ditch dairy

Cancer diet: Give up dairy

DAIRY has been linked to countless diseases including breast and prostrate cancer - so is it time to go dairy-free? DAIRY has been linked to countless diseases including breast and prostrate cancer - so is it time to go dairy-free? So why should you give up dairy?

3. THE MYTH ABOUT DAIRY AND CALCIUM:clinical research shows otherwise. The Harvard Nurses’ Health Study showed absolutely no protective effect whatsoever of dairy consumption on fracture risk in bones. 


Food for Thought

Stop feeling sorry for yourself – and you will be happy.
By stopping feeling sorry for yourself, you can actually get on and DO something about it

Affirmations for Inner Peace

  • Peace comes when I let go of trying to control every tiny detail.
  • A peaceful heart makes for a peaceful life.


9 ways to keep your collagen and skin looking young

Beauty portrait of a woman laughingYou might not know what it is, but collagen is key when it comes to keeping your skin youthful and wrinkle-free. Vitamin C is crucial to the ­formation of collagen. “Good sources are red pepper, dark green leafy veg like broccoli and sprouts, tomatoes, oranges and kiwi fruit.Mirror

WHO warns 10,000 new cases of Ebola a week are possible

A woman crawls towards the body of her sister as Ebola burial team members take her sister Mekie Nagbe, for cremation in Monrovia, Liberia.UN agency says fatality rate at 70% and that 'a lot more people will die' unless world steps up its response to crisis. There could be up to 10,000 new cases a week of Ebola within two months, the World Health Organisation warned on Tuesday, as the death toll from the virus reached 4,447 people, nearly all of them in West Africa. The Guardian

Catalan leader replaces referendum with plan for an unofficial vote

Artur Mas’s pro-independence allies respond angrily to idea of holding a survey without any legal implications. El País


Stressed? You're more likely to suffer heart disease from it if you're a woman

  • More women with heart disease experienced 'myocardial ischemia'
  • This is where there is decreased blood flow to the heart, stopping it working
  • Women with condition under stress showed early signs of blood clotting
  • Blood clots can block arteries and lead to heart disease and a heart attack
  • Experts said stress should be taken into account when treating patients
Daily Mail

Revealed: How the stress of work, smoking and drinking among women has narrowed the life expectancy gap with men

Mortality rates among men were at twice the level for those of women in 1963, but 50 years later the gap had fallen to 1.5 times, according to a new study which reveals the impact of more women finding work. Daily Mail

Skincare through the ages: Top tips for rolling back the decades

skincare, older age, cleansing, collagen, elastin, botox, acid fillers, peelers, facial, age

YOUR skin requires different care at every stage of your life but knowing which products and treatments to use and when can be a minefield. Here’s my guide to what it takes to have gorgeous skin, decade by decade. Express


Scientists prove aspirin can help stop cancer spreading

Women holding aspirin pillASPIRIN can help combat cancer by lowering the risk of the disease spreading, say scientists in two separate studies. Dr Pierre Massion at the Vanderbilt University School of Medicine in the US said research showed that low doses of aspirin – perhaps 81mg daily – taken over five years reduced the incidence of cancers by 38 per cent. Express

Food for Thought

“Success is going from failure to failure without losing your enthusiasm.” 
 Winston Churchill


Health danger in FRUIT JUICE: Millions put themselves at risk by drinking a glass DAILY

Drinking fruit juice daily increases risk heart disease
Researchers have found that those who regularly enjoy the popular breakfast drink have significantly higher blood pressure than those who only have it occasionally.“Thus, frequent fruit juice consumption may be contributing to excessive sugar intake, typical of the Western population, exacerbating the prevalence of hypertension [high blood pressure] and cardiovascular disease.”The daily use of fruit juice may increase central blood pressures, which are known to be associated with cardiovascular disease risk and cognitive?impairment. Dr Matthew Pase. Express

Affirmations for Self-Confidence

  • I believe that I have the strength to make my dreams come true
  • I’m proud of myself for even daring to try; many people won’t even do that!


Food for Thought

“The weak can never forgive.
Forgiveness is an attribute of the strong.”
- Mahatma Gandhi

“We are shaped by our thoughts; we
become what we think. When the mind is
pure, joy follows like a shadow that
never leaves.” - Buddha


Condition of Spanish nursing assistant with Ebola virus worsens

Teresa Romero’s brother tells reporters she is suffering pulmonary problems. A team of 14 doctors is caring for her, and plan to administer a new drug to try to improve her condition.
As well as the nursing assistant, a further six people are under observation after having come into contact with her. Among them is her husband, as well as the doctors who treated her before her diagnosis was confirmed. El País
IS to use Ebola as weapon

TERRORIST group IS may be considering using Ebola as a suicide bio-weapon against the West, according to a military expert.The virus is transmitted by direct contact with an infected person who is showing the symptoms and it wouldn't be difficult for fanatics to contract it then travel to countries they want to wreak havoc in. Express


Affirmations for Selfconfidence

  • Fear is only a feeling; it cannot hold me back.
  • I know that I can master anything if I do it enough times http://101powerfulaffirmations.com/

Food for Thought

“Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great.” – Mark Twain -

Questions and answers about the virus: Can I catch it on the bus?

The ebola virus is not transmitted through the air, or through water – direct contact with bodily fluids from a patient showing symptoms is necessary to become infected. El País

Schumann's Resonance / Meditation Music


Swap the celery for a cupcake! Research reveals a deprivation diet leads to weight GAIN

Dieting can lead to weight gain

FORGET everything you thought you knew about losing weight - a new study has revealed the key to fighting the flab is allowing yourself treats. The poll of 2,600 Weight Watchers members - over half of which have lost 10 per cent of their body weight - showed that incorporating treats in to your healthy eating plan helps you to stay on track, with 75 per cent planning indulgence into their week and a third doing so at least once a day. The findings contradict the theory that depriving yourself of so-called 'naughty' foods will help you to lose weight. Read on

Spanish nurse becomes first person to contract ebola outside of Africa

Woman was part of team who treated missionary Manuel García Viejo, who died from the virus in Madrid after being brought back from Sierra Leone. El Pais


Catalan premier and pro-sovereignty parties to press ahead with vote

Catalan premier Artur Mas took the confrontation with Madrid a step further on Friday by deciding to press ahead with the November 9 referendum on self-rule. El País


The Impacts of Stress on Your Health

From early aging to heart problems, the effects of daily hassle and bustle can damage your health in numerous ways.Whether it's a short-term frustration or a major life event, stress can affect our bodies in various ways. READ MORE


An apple a day keeps OBESITY away

Granny Smith apples can combat obesity a new study findsAN APPLE a day could not just keep the doctor at bay - it may also be the key to beating obesity. Now, a study has found a single apple every day can promote levels of friendly bacteria in our stomachs which help fight obesity by making us feel full. Express

Do you really need a £3 pill if you want more than one glass of wine a night?

A £3 pill which can reduce the craving for alcohol could be prescribed to up to 600,000 adults in England to help them cut down on their drinking, according to final draft guidelines from health watchdog NICE. Daily Mail

Food For Thought

With self-esteem, we're able to surpass the shallowness of what we physically look like... we're able to move beyond the limitations of what others think and try to impose on us. Self-esteem... self-love... really, is at the heart of everything. It's the first step toward becoming a spiritually-fulfilled person.


Your nose knows death is imminent. Losing the sense of smell predicts death within five years, according to new research.

Smelling a rose.
A study published today in the open access journal PLOS ONE, shows that losing one’s sense of smell strongly predicts death within five years, suggesting that the nose knows when death is imminent, and that smell may serve as a bellwether for the overall state of the body, or as a marker for exposure to environmental toxins. The Guardian

5 Ways To Have Much Younger Body and Mind

happy old couple
Some people, when they touch their 70s or even 90s, remain robust and healthy, whereas others become frail or virtually incapacitated. How is this possible? Well, it can't just be luck. Read more

“I will not change course,” says Catalan leader Artur Mas

A BID FOR INDEPENDENCE. Regional premier responds to calls from Popular Party in parliament to abandon plans to hold vote on independence. El País

Oposiciones Secundaria 2015 – Tasa de reposición

Podrá haber Oposiciones Secundaria 2015. La tasa de reposición se amplía hasta el 50% con lo que se podrán convocar 5 veces más plazas que el año pasado. Sigue leyendo


11 Ways To Stay Positive (Even When You’re Around Negative People)

You can stay positive with these tips to help combat the negativity…because no matter what unconstructive criticism may be thrown at you, you’re above it, and you are amazing. Inspiyr