The health secrets that women keep

(BPT) - Secret bottles in the medicine cabinet? Frequent trips to the bathroom? Moodiness, fatigue or changes in social behavior?

The top five women’s health secrets
Some of the health secrets women keep and ways to bring them out of hiding:
Heavy periods: More than 10 million women suffer – usually in silence – from heavy periods convinced that changing their pad or tampon more than five times a day is normal because it is something they have learned to live with. While not life threatening, many women are unaware of the latest safe, effective and minimally invasive treatment options available to them.  Recently, an online resource for women who suffer from heavy periods, changethecycle.com was established as a place where women can share their stories and learn about the different options they have for their heavy periods – in the comfort of a girlfriend-to-girlfriend online community. Heavy periods can occur at various stages of your life, be sure to speak with your health care professional.
Adult acne: Nearly 30 percent of women are troubled by breakouts well into adulthood. Adult acne is caused by hypersensitivity or overproduction of hormones and can happen during pregnancy, perimenopause, and menopause. Too often, women try to treat adult acne like the teen kind and wait to see a doctor for their skin problems. If you have basic acne, treatments with salicylic acid and benzoyl peroxide should help, but for serious acne, a dermatologist has an arsenal of products to clear up your skin.
Bladder leakage: Though bladder issues are common, the majority of people who suffer do so in secret. Approximately 13 million Americans, the majority of whom are women, have bladder issues. These bladder problems in women may be due to childbirth or a natural part of aging. However, these issues effect women of all ages and in most cases, are easily treatable. It may include therapy, behavioral and diet modifications, medicines and in some cases, surgery.
Vaginal dryness: Hot flashes, mood swings, night sweats. Those are the menopause symptoms we talk about. But what about the ones we don’t talk about including painful sex? More than 50 million women are in menopause and more than half of them have vaginal atrophy – a chronic and progressive condition characterized by symptoms including vaginal dryness and pain during sex. Whether it’s lack of awareness or lack of empowerment, women don’t tell their doctor, though simple OTC treatments are available.

The health secrets that women keep

(BPT) - Secret bottles in the medicine cabinet? Frequent trips to the bathroom? Moodiness, fatigue or changes in social behavior?

The top five women’s health secrets
Some of the health secrets women keep and ways to bring them out of hiding:
Heavy periods: More than 10 million women suffer – usually in silence – from heavy periods convinced that changing their pad or tampon more than five times a day is normal because it is something they have learned to live with. While not life threatening, many women are unaware of the latest safe, effective and minimally invasive treatment options available to them.  Recently, an online resource for women who suffer from heavy periods, changethecycle.com was established as a place where women can share their stories and learn about the different options they have for their heavy periods – in the comfort of a girlfriend-to-girlfriend online community. Heavy periods can occur at various stages of your life, be sure to speak with your health care professional.
Adult acne: Nearly 30 percent of women are troubled by breakouts well into adulthood. Adult acne is caused by hypersensitivity or overproduction of hormones and can happen during pregnancy, perimenopause, and menopause. Too often, women try to treat adult acne like the teen kind and wait to see a doctor for their skin problems. If you have basic acne, treatments with salicylic acid and benzoyl peroxide should help, but for serious acne, a dermatologist has an arsenal of products to clear up your skin.
Bladder leakage: Though bladder issues are common, the majority of people who suffer do so in secret. Approximately 13 million Americans, the majority of whom are women, have bladder issues. These bladder problems in women may be due to childbirth or a natural part of aging. However, these issues effect women of all ages and in most cases, are easily treatable. It may include therapy, behavioral and diet modifications, medicines and in some cases, surgery.
Vaginal dryness: Hot flashes, mood swings, night sweats. Those are the menopause symptoms we talk about. But what about the ones we don’t talk about including painful sex? More than 50 million women are in menopause and more than half of them have vaginal atrophy – a chronic and progressive condition characterized by symptoms including vaginal dryness and pain during sex. Whether it’s lack of awareness or lack of empowerment, women don’t tell their doctor, though simple OTC treatments are available.

Spanish banks repossessed 30,000 family homes in 2012

Rising mortgage foreclosures and the eviction of families from their homes has become a burning social and political issue in Spain of late. But the debate on how to address the problem has been clouded by a lack of accurate figures. In order to remedy this, the College of Property Registrars has carried out a study.
El País

Spanish banks repossessed 30,000 family homes in 2012

Rising mortgage foreclosures and the eviction of families from their homes has become a burning social and political issue in Spain of late. But the debate on how to address the problem has been clouded by a lack of accurate figures. In order to remedy this, the College of Property Registrars has carried out a study.
El País



Body language affects how others see us, but it may also change how we see ourselves. Social psychologist Amy Cuddy shows how “power posing” — standing in a posture of confidence, even when we don’t feel confident — can affect testosterone and cortisol levels in the brain, and might even have an impact on our chances for success.
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Body language affects how others see us, but it may also change how we see ourselves. Social psychologist Amy Cuddy shows how “power posing” — standing in a posture of confidence, even when we don’t feel confident — can affect testosterone and cortisol levels in the brain, and might even have an impact on our chances for success.
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Pasan los años y nuestros riñones siempre Están filtrando la sangre Quitando la Sal, El Veneno, Cualquier cosa dañina y que entre en nuestro sistema.
Con el tiempo la sal se acumula y esto necesita un tratamiento de limpieza, y… ¿cómo vamos a Deshacernos de esto ?
Es muy sencillo, primero tome un puñado de perejil y lávelo muy bien, después córtelo en pedazos pequeños y póngalo en una olla y agregue agua limpia (1 litro) y hiérvalo por diez minutos, déjelo enfriar, cuélelo en una botella limpia y póngalo en El refrigerador.
Tome un vaso diariamente y Verá que toda la sal y el veneno Acumulado empieza a salir de su riñón al orinar.
El Perejil es conocido como el mejor tratamiento para limpiar los riñones y es natural!
Propiedades y elementos nutritivos del perejil:
• Es un potente antioxidante: rejuvenece la piel
• Contiene betacaroteno
• Rico en minerales como calcio, fósforo, hierro y azufre.
• Rico en clorofila: combate el mal aliento, ayuda a depurar el cuerpo de toxinas y grasa excesiva.
• Rico en vitamina C: previene el cáncer, los problemas cardíacos y las cataratas e infecciones, y ayuda a fortalecer el sistema inmune del cuerpo.
• Por ser rico en calcio, es muy adecuado en dietas para combatir y prevenir la osteoporosis y durante la menopausia. Es muy benéfico para los niños y deportistas.
• Es diurético: ayuda a eliminar líquidos en forma natural. Por esta cualidad se utiliza en dietas para tratar hipertensión y para la salud de los riñones.
• Su alto contenido en vitaminas y minerales lo hace ideal para combatir y prevenir anemia, anorexia, debilidad general, fatiga, cansancio físico y mental.
• Ideal para fortalecer el cabello y las uñas.
• Muy bueno para combatir problemas de la piel.
• Útil contra las úlceras
• Del perejil se extrae un líquido aceitoso llamado Apiol, el cual se usa contra las fiebres intermitentes y las neuralgias.