Food for Thought

8 Things To Give Up:

1. Doubting Yourself
2. Negative Thinking
3. Fear of Failure
4. Criticizing yourself & others
5. Negative self talk


10 Phrases for Saying Something is Easy & Difficult

1.It’s a piece of cake.
 2. It’s a cinch.
3. It’s a breeze.
4. Anyone can do it.
5. There’s nothing to it.
6. It’s hard.
7. It’s a bit tricky.
8. It’s really tough.
9. It’s not a walk in the park.
10. It’s very demanding. (= it takes a lot of time and energy)


Eating more nuts is the key to keeping strokes and heart attacks at bay

A man eating Brazil nutsOf course, peanuts are not really nuts - they are legumes since they grow in bushes, unlike tree nuts, but who cares if they help us to live longer at an affordable price?


The ten health checks every man must do TODAY

.Men’s Health Week is challenging men to improve their lifestyles, a process that begins with these vital top-to-toe tests. Read more


Could eating fast food put you in a bad mood?Fast food can make you depressed, less able to control your emotions - and cutting them out could improve your mood, new research suggests. Read More