From avocado to walnuts: What you eat can have dramatic effect on your skin and hair

avocado walnut eat dramatic effect skin hair Beauty superfoodsYour diet directly affects your appearance and the condition of your hair, skin and nails will all reflect your lifestyle. For instance, a couple of late nights will quickly show on your face in the form of puffy eyes and pale, blotchy skin. A few early nights, however, and you’ll have a clear, glowing complexion.

Women who take antidepressants during pregnancy 'have nearly double the risk of having an autistic child', study claims

The University of Montreal findings highlight concerns that the increasing use of antidepressant drugs could be having a detrimental effect on patients and their childre.


Arrive carries 3 prepositions: in, on, or at

  1. He arrived in New York.
  2. He arrived at the station.
  3. He arrived on the scene of the accident
'in' with general areas, countries, cities etc. = "I will arrive in Italy", "I will arrive in Rome"
'at' with specific places = "I will arrive at your house", "I will arrive at the airport"