Difference between 'such as' and 'like'

Such as is more than a thousand times commoner in academic writing than in speech, whereas like is straightforward and direct. Like implies comparison and such as implies inclusion. Consider these two examples:

Chuck enjoys desserts such as brownies, cheesecake, and macaroons
Chuck enjoys desserts like brownies, cheesecake, and macaroons

When you say “desserts like brownies,” you're implying that you don't enjoy brownies themselves, but instead enjoy a different dessert similar to brownies. It's a subtle difference, but one to be aware of.

We normally use a comma before such as when we present a list of examples. Where there is just one example, we don’t need a comma:
The shop specialises in tropical fruits, such as pineapples, mangoes and papayas. (… for example, pineapples, mangoes and papayas.)

Countries such as Sweden have a long record of welcoming refugees from all over the world.

She has worked in several countries where English is spoken as a first language, such as Australia, New Zealand, Canada and so on. (or, less formal, … like Australia, New Zealand, Canada and so on.)


Here’s an important question for you: Do you live your life by default…or by design?
Living by DEFAULT means that you don’t have any specific dreams for your future… and so, you just kind of float through life and let things happen to you.
Living by DESIGN means that you know exactly who you are and what you want for your future—what your dreams are. You have a plan to get to your destination, and you take consistent action on it.
While living by default is a recipe for dissatisfaction, living by design is what makes you feel truly alive and content!


Why saunas really ARE good for your health: First ever study confirms they can treat and PREVENT illnesses

Recent studies have provided the first clear evidence that taking a regular sauna can be extremely good for health – alleviating and preventing common acute and chronic conditions.
In a 2015 study, scientists from the University of Eastern Finland recorded the sauna bathing habits of 2,300 men, and tracked their health for more than two decades.
They found that those who used saunas regularly suffered from dramatically fewer deaths from heart disease or stroke. In a follow-up study by the same group the following year, regular sauna sessions were found to substantially reduce the risk of dementia. Mail

High blood pressure: Swap salt for THIS at dinner to reduce high BP

HIGH blood pressure could be lowered by cutting back on salt, and by swapping it for herbs and spices, it’s been claimed.

Don’t add salt when cooking,” said the charity. “This includes salty foods like soy sauce, stock cubes and gravy granules.
“Get extra flavour with herbs and spices, and from seasonings like chilli, ginger, lemon or lime juice.”


Arthritis symptoms: 85p spice relieves joint pain and inflammation

ARTHRITIS symptoms include joint pain and inflammation, and the condition affects about 10 million people in the UK. But, adding an 85p household favourite spice to your dinner could relieve signs of arthritis.

Turmeric contains the anti-inflammatory ingredient curcumin, which could help to relieve joint pain.

The bright yellow spice is traditionally used as a curry spice, but research claims it could be beneficial for rheumatoid arthritis patients.
Curcumin blocks certain enzymes that cause inflammation, it’s been claimed.
It could also be used to reduce the risk of diabetes, cancer, Alzheimer’s disease and heart disease, a study has revealed. Express


Who was Guy Fawkes? How did he die and why do we celebrate him on Bonfire Night?

Everyone remembers Guy Fawkes as the scapegoat and one of the main conspirators of the 1605 Gunpowder Plot.

November 5 marks the the day when 13 Catholic men conspired to blow up Westminster – burying King James I and everyone inside beneath the rubble.
The foiled Gunpowder Plot, as it is known today, is celebrated across the nation with an impressive display of fireworks in the evening. Express


Daily dose of broccoli, cauliflower and sprouts could prevent everything from arthritis to heart disease, claim academics and here is why

  • Mice fed a broccoli-supplemented diet can better tolerate digestive issues
  • Cruciferous vegetables contain a substance that promotes gut health and lining
  • Healthy intestinal linings prevent leaky gut, which exposes the body to toxins
  • Leaky gut can lead to inflammation and subsequent arthritis or heart disease
  • Humans will likely need to eat three-and-a-half cups of broccoli a day to benefit 
  • DailyMail
