Five actions that people can take to maintain brain health include regular physical exercise, a Mediterranean diet, not smoking, drinking in moderation and preventing diabetes, according to an evidence review by the charity. About 850,000 people in the UK are living with dementia, which will affect one in three people over the age of 65, according to the latest estimates.The guardian
News Society Dementia Five lifestyle factors are key to cutting risk of dementia, says charity
13 Simple Ways To Enjoy This Holiday Season…Without Gaining Weight
You can be jolly, merry, happy AND healthy if you follow these tips and use your mental-toughness muscles to enjoy the holiday season while also making progress on your goals.
So that's why we bicker at Christmas! Low blood sugar could be to blame for irritability.
The key to longevity? Two glasses of red wine a day, according to experts
It reduces clogging by opening up arteries and reduces blood pressure. Dr William McCrea, Cardiologist. Express
Men who like spicier foods have higher levels of testosterone
Greater quantities of testosterone are linked to characteristics that define the typical “alpha” male, such as aggression, recklessness and a high sex drive. The Independent
Ibuprofen adds 12 years to life! Cheap painkillers can slow ageing and fight disease
A CHEAP over-the-counter painkiller may have astonishing powers to extend life, say researchers. Ibuprofen, which is used every day at home by people to treat inflammation, pain and fever, may be the key to developing a long sought after anti-ageing drug. Express
Food for Thought
No matter how bleak your childhood was or how difficult the circumstances you may find yourself in now, it’s never too late to turn things around.
Food for Thought
The richest beauty is inner beauty, because if you want to look young you don’t start with the outside, you start with the inside.
Dr Blackwel
Food for Thought
“Your Thoughts
Create Your Reality...”
The way you think and your interpretation of things is often embedded deep within your psyche and completely out of your control.
Food For Thought
Watch your thoughts; they become words.
Watch your words; they become actions.
Watch your actions; they become habits.
Watch your habits they become character;
Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.
Is your job a pain in the neck? How to beat aches and pains caused by working on computers
The increased use of computers in everyday life has led to a boom in associated pain, including 'tech neck' – here's how to beat it.
Olive Oil Converts Cholesterol More Easily Into Testosterone
Recent studies show that consumption of olive oil allows the body to more easily absorb cholesterol. This article cites studies from Argentina demonstrating how our Leydig cells need cholesterol to produce testosterone, so consuming ample amounts of this healthy fat can help the body's overall testosterone levels. Read more
5 breakfast rules that you should not break such as:
- Consider to eat at least 8 grams of fiber
- Eat breakfast as soon as you wake up. In particular, you should eat your breakfast at least 1 hour after you wake up.
- Eat more proteins and less sugar
- Consider the portions:At least, you should aim for about 350 calories.
- Always take your breakfast: Skipping meals is never the best decision with regards to weight loss.
Walnut a day keeps cancer away: Research finds daily walnuts can stave off prostate cancer
A DAILY handful of walnuts may stave off prostate cancer, according to new research. Scientists have found diets rich in the nut, or its oil, slowed tumour growth in mice. They also reduced cholesterol and increased sensitivity to the hormone insulin which helps prevent diabetes. Express
How to beat stress this Christmas: Top 10 ways to avoid a festive fallout
THE festive period can be a very stressful time, but we've come up with 10 ways to help you stay calm this winter. With presents to find and wrap, food to prepare and plans to organise, many people find themselves feeling the strain as Christmas approaches. We all deal with stress in different ways but there's no doubt it can get in the way of a truly enjoyable holiday. Read more
11 Research Backed Benefits Of Apple Cider Vinegar
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