- I believe that I have the strength to make my dreams come true
- I’m proud of myself for even daring to try; many people won’t even do that!
Showing posts with label self-help. Show all posts
Showing posts with label self-help. Show all posts
Affirmations for Self-Confidence
The Incredible Power of Self Talk
If you want to make an improvement in any aspect of your life; whether related to health, fitness, career success or personal accomplishments, start by changing your self talk – you may be surprised to see what happens. Read more
The Incredible Power of Self Talk
If you want to make an improvement in any aspect of your life; whether related to health, fitness, career success or personal accomplishments, start by changing your self talk – you may be surprised to see what happens. Read more
Unleash Your Power with I AM Affirmations
Before doing anything else, it’s important to get an idea of what your inner speech is like and become aware of how you speak to others. Use the Silva Method 3-to-1 or 5-to-1 countdown technique to get into the alpha brainwave state. Then, when your mind is more relaxed, ‘sit back and listen’ to your inner chatter. Let your mind ramble on about anything it wants to. To keep from getting involved in a thought, say “Stop” when a thought is finished. That will ‘reboot’ your mind and it will come up with another topic. Just take note of which statements are negative and which are positive.
“I am” is the most powerful statement you can make. It is a declaration. The trouble starts when we use “I am” in a negative way – but you can learn to speak in a way that honors who you are, empowers you, and helps you create the circumstances you want, by using I Am affirmations.
The words you think and speak are creative forces. How many of your thoughts and words are negative – creating unwanted circumstances – and how many are positive? Do you even know?
Unleash Your Power with I AM Affirmations
Before doing anything else, it’s important to get an idea of what your inner speech is like and become aware of how you speak to others. Use the Silva Method 3-to-1 or 5-to-1 countdown technique to get into the alpha brainwave state. Then, when your mind is more relaxed, ‘sit back and listen’ to your inner chatter. Let your mind ramble on about anything it wants to. To keep from getting involved in a thought, say “Stop” when a thought is finished. That will ‘reboot’ your mind and it will come up with another topic. Just take note of which statements are negative and which are positive.
“I am” is the most powerful statement you can make. It is a declaration. The trouble starts when we use “I am” in a negative way – but you can learn to speak in a way that honors who you are, empowers you, and helps you create the circumstances you want, by using I Am affirmations.
The words you think and speak are creative forces. How many of your thoughts and words are negative – creating unwanted circumstances – and how many are positive? Do you even know?
How to Create a Habit of Positive Self-Talk
Your self-talk determines how you feel. Try this exercise: say to yourself, “I am angry about the traffic on my commute.” Let yourself feel the statement. If you’re paying attention to your body, you can actually feel a physical response to the words you just said. It might be subtle – but if you were to repeat those words, and keep that train of thought chugging through your mind, your physical response would intensify. Now say to yourself, “I enjoy …
How to Create a Habit of Positive Self-Talk
Your self-talk determines how you feel. Try this exercise: say to yourself, “I am angry about the traffic on my commute.” Let yourself feel the statement. If you’re paying attention to your body, you can actually feel a physical response to the words you just said. It might be subtle – but if you were to repeat those words, and keep that train of thought chugging through your mind, your physical response would intensify. Now say to yourself, “I enjoy …
Personal Development Tips and Tricks
Change can be intrinsically frightening, but one key to successful personal development is mastering that fear. Personal development is the art of fostering positive changes in oneself. This is not an art that can be practiced without recognizing that the external world is constantly changing too. Embracing change outside can lead to better results encouraging change inside. Learn a foreign langua..
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Personal Development Tips and Tricks
Change can be intrinsically frightening, but one key to successful personal development is mastering that fear. Personal development is the art of fostering positive changes in oneself. This is not an art that can be practiced without recognizing that the external world is constantly changing too. Embracing change outside can lead to better results encouraging change inside. Learn a foreign langua..
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Negative emotions - coping tips
Anger, sadness, jealousy and hatred are termed 'negative emotions' because they make you lose confidence and feel miserable about yourself and others. There are some simple strategies to deal with negative emotions.
Negative emotions can be described as any feeling which causes you to be miserable and sad. These emotions make you dislike yourself and others, and take away your confidence.
Emotions which can become negative are hate, anger, jealousy and sadness. Yet, in the right context, these feelings are completely natural. Negative emotions can dampen our enthusiasm for life, depending on how long we let them affect us and the way we choose to express them.
Holding onto negative emotions causes a downward spiral
Negative emotions stop us from thinking and behaving rationally and seeing situations in their true perspective. When this occurs, we tend to see only we want to see and remember only what we want to remember. This only prolongs the anger or grief and prevents us from enjoying life.
The longer this goes on, the more entrenched the problem becomes. Dealing with negative emotions inappropriately can also be harmful - for example, expressing anger with violence.
Emotions are complex reactions
Emotions are psychological (what we think) and biological (what we feel). Our brain responds to our thoughts by releasing hormones and chemicals which send us into a state of arousal. All emotions come about in this way, whether positive or negative.
It is a complex process and often we don't have the skills to deal with negative feelings. That’s why we find it hard to cope when we experience them.
How to deal with negative emotions
There are a number of coping strategies to deal with negative emotions. These include:
- Don’t blow things out of proportion by going over them time and again in your mind.
- Try to be reasonable - accept that bad feelings are occasionally unavoidable and think of ways to make yourself feel better.
- Relax - use pleasant activities like reading, walking or talking to a friend.
- Learn - notice how grief, loss and anger make you feel and which events trigger those feelings so you can prepare in advance.
- Exercise - aerobic activity lowers your level of stress chemicals and allows you to cope better with negative emotions.
- Let go of the past - constantly going over negative events robs you of the present and makes you feel bad.
Where to get help
- Your doctor
- Your local community health centre
- The Mental Health Foundation of Victoria Tel. (03) 9427 0406
Things to remember
- In the right context, negative emotions like anger, grief, sadness or jealousy are perfectly normal.
- Long lasting bouts of negative emotions can stop you enjoying life.
- Coping strategies can help to curb persistent negative feelings
- Better Health Channel
Negative emotions - coping tips
Anger, sadness, jealousy and hatred are termed 'negative emotions' because they make you lose confidence and feel miserable about yourself and others. There are some simple strategies to deal with negative emotions.
Negative emotions can be described as any feeling which causes you to be miserable and sad. These emotions make you dislike yourself and others, and take away your confidence.
Emotions which can become negative are hate, anger, jealousy and sadness. Yet, in the right context, these feelings are completely natural. Negative emotions can dampen our enthusiasm for life, depending on how long we let them affect us and the way we choose to express them.
Holding onto negative emotions causes a downward spiral
Negative emotions stop us from thinking and behaving rationally and seeing situations in their true perspective. When this occurs, we tend to see only we want to see and remember only what we want to remember. This only prolongs the anger or grief and prevents us from enjoying life.
The longer this goes on, the more entrenched the problem becomes. Dealing with negative emotions inappropriately can also be harmful - for example, expressing anger with violence.
Emotions are complex reactions
Emotions are psychological (what we think) and biological (what we feel). Our brain responds to our thoughts by releasing hormones and chemicals which send us into a state of arousal. All emotions come about in this way, whether positive or negative.
It is a complex process and often we don't have the skills to deal with negative feelings. That’s why we find it hard to cope when we experience them.
How to deal with negative emotions
There are a number of coping strategies to deal with negative emotions. These include:
- Don’t blow things out of proportion by going over them time and again in your mind.
- Try to be reasonable - accept that bad feelings are occasionally unavoidable and think of ways to make yourself feel better.
- Relax - use pleasant activities like reading, walking or talking to a friend.
- Learn - notice how grief, loss and anger make you feel and which events trigger those feelings so you can prepare in advance.
- Exercise - aerobic activity lowers your level of stress chemicals and allows you to cope better with negative emotions.
- Let go of the past - constantly going over negative events robs you of the present and makes you feel bad.
Where to get help
- Your doctor
- Your local community health centre
- The Mental Health Foundation of Victoria Tel. (03) 9427 0406
Things to remember
- In the right context, negative emotions like anger, grief, sadness or jealousy are perfectly normal.
- Long lasting bouts of negative emotions can stop you enjoying life.
- Coping strategies can help to curb persistent negative feelings
- Better Health Channel
The Incredible Power of Self Talk
by Jim Jensen | on January 23rd, 2013 |
What we say to others is not nearly as important as what we say to ourselves. All day, every day, our minds are flooded with thoughts that direct us to leading the lives that we live. This self talk determines our success, and our failures. If you want to make an improvement in any aspect of your life; whether related to health, fitness, career success or personal accomplishments, start by changing your self talk – you may be surprised to see what happens.
What is Self Talk?
We talk to ourselves at the rate of 150-300 words a minute, or, nearly 50,000 thoughts per day. While you are reading these words you are having a simultaneous dialog about what you think of this writing while also being distracted by the most important items on today’s “to do” list as well as other pressing matters. This internal thinking, or, SELF TALK, occurs through the conscious area of our mind.
What most people are unaware of is our self talk becomes instructions to our SUBCONSCIOUS, whose duty is to carry out the “orders” given to it by the CONSCIOUS area of our mind. The subconscious is our own personal servo-mechanism that works on our behalf 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
How Self Talk Works
Imagine an ocean liner crossing the sea with the captain of the ship barking our commands to the crew who may be located in the hold of the ship, below the water line unable to see where the ship is going. The captain is analogous to the conscious area to the mind. In this example, the crew is like the subconscious. So when the captain commands to the crew, “Full speed ahead, 15 degrees to the North, etc., “, the crew simple responds, “Aye Aye, Sir” and carries out its orders precisely. The crew does not care if it runs the ship into the rocks, collides with another vessel, or, gets the ship safely to its destination. It is totally non-judgmental and does not question “The Boss”, who in this example is the captain of the ship. This is a powerful metaphor of the relationship between the conscious and subconscious areas of the mind. These are not two separate minds, but, two spheres of the same mind.
So, what we say to ourselves or how we may describe ourselves to others, occurs through the conscious level of thought. If ...we are repeatedly saying,
“I can never remember names.”
“My marriage is falling apart.”
“I never seem to have enough money”, etc., etc..
These become “instructions” to the subconscious whose duty it is to work tirelessly to ensure these “instructions” are brought into reality. It doesn’t question whether these are “good” or “bad” instructions (for us). It simply carries out what we have instructed it to do.
Why Self Talk Matters
It’s important to note that we don’t get what we WANT in life, we get what we EXPECT, unless what we want and what we expect are the same. It is also important for us to realize that our self concept is created by our own self talk and it is our self concept that determines our level of performance in any area of our lives.
We have hundreds of individual self concepts. We may have a high self concept of ourself as a skiier, ie., “I am an excellent skiier.” Conversely, we may have a low self concept as a golfer, ie, “I am a lousy golfer. I seldom shoot less that 100.” Our subconscious then works hard to ensure our performance is consistent with our self concept, for better or for worse.
Change Your Life by Changing Your Thoughts
We did not come into the world with a belief, an attitude or an opinion about anything. We were a completely empty vessel. We were not born a Democrat or a Republican. We were not born a Catholic or a Protestant. We weren’t born with a set of beliefs of how the world should be. Through the data input we received from our well intended parents, siblings, and others important to us as small children, we began to form some concepts about who we were, areas that we seemed to excel in and areas where we simply came up short. By the time we reached six years of age much of our early self concept(s) had been formed. And, they weren’t formed by the words we heard from others, but, rather how we interpreted those words with our own Self Talk.
It is our self talk that creates our self concept and there is a one to one relationship between our self concept(s) and our level of performance. If we want to improve our level of performance or effectiveness in any area of our life, we need to improve our self concept. We improve our self concept by deliberately creating new language that describes our new desired result. Through repetition our revised self talk provides NEW instructions to our subconscious which immediately goes to work to fulfill these “new orders”.
The subconscious is totally non-judgmental. It does not argue what is right or wrong or what may be best for us. It simply works to effect what it has been told by the conscious area of the mind.
If you want to change your life, start by changing the way you talk to yourself – I bet you’ll be amazed by the results.
The Incredible Power of Self Talk
by Jim Jensen | on January 23rd, 2013 |
What we say to others is not nearly as important as what we say to ourselves. All day, every day, our minds are flooded with thoughts that direct us to leading the lives that we live. This self talk determines our success, and our failures. If you want to make an improvement in any aspect of your life; whether related to health, fitness, career success or personal accomplishments, start by changing your self talk – you may be surprised to see what happens.
What is Self Talk?
We talk to ourselves at the rate of 150-300 words a minute, or, nearly 50,000 thoughts per day. While you are reading these words you are having a simultaneous dialog about what you think of this writing while also being distracted by the most important items on today’s “to do” list as well as other pressing matters. This internal thinking, or, SELF TALK, occurs through the conscious area of our mind.
What most people are unaware of is our self talk becomes instructions to our SUBCONSCIOUS, whose duty is to carry out the “orders” given to it by the CONSCIOUS area of our mind. The subconscious is our own personal servo-mechanism that works on our behalf 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
How Self Talk Works
Imagine an ocean liner crossing the sea with the captain of the ship barking our commands to the crew who may be located in the hold of the ship, below the water line unable to see where the ship is going. The captain is analogous to the conscious area to the mind. In this example, the crew is like the subconscious. So when the captain commands to the crew, “Full speed ahead, 15 degrees to the North, etc., “, the crew simple responds, “Aye Aye, Sir” and carries out its orders precisely. The crew does not care if it runs the ship into the rocks, collides with another vessel, or, gets the ship safely to its destination. It is totally non-judgmental and does not question “The Boss”, who in this example is the captain of the ship. This is a powerful metaphor of the relationship between the conscious and subconscious areas of the mind. These are not two separate minds, but, two spheres of the same mind.
So, what we say to ourselves or how we may describe ourselves to others, occurs through the conscious level of thought. If ...we are repeatedly saying,
“I can never remember names.”
“My marriage is falling apart.”
“I never seem to have enough money”, etc., etc..
These become “instructions” to the subconscious whose duty it is to work tirelessly to ensure these “instructions” are brought into reality. It doesn’t question whether these are “good” or “bad” instructions (for us). It simply carries out what we have instructed it to do.
Why Self Talk Matters
It’s important to note that we don’t get what we WANT in life, we get what we EXPECT, unless what we want and what we expect are the same. It is also important for us to realize that our self concept is created by our own self talk and it is our self concept that determines our level of performance in any area of our lives.
We have hundreds of individual self concepts. We may have a high self concept of ourself as a skiier, ie., “I am an excellent skiier.” Conversely, we may have a low self concept as a golfer, ie, “I am a lousy golfer. I seldom shoot less that 100.” Our subconscious then works hard to ensure our performance is consistent with our self concept, for better or for worse.
Change Your Life by Changing Your Thoughts
We did not come into the world with a belief, an attitude or an opinion about anything. We were a completely empty vessel. We were not born a Democrat or a Republican. We were not born a Catholic or a Protestant. We weren’t born with a set of beliefs of how the world should be. Through the data input we received from our well intended parents, siblings, and others important to us as small children, we began to form some concepts about who we were, areas that we seemed to excel in and areas where we simply came up short. By the time we reached six years of age much of our early self concept(s) had been formed. And, they weren’t formed by the words we heard from others, but, rather how we interpreted those words with our own Self Talk.
It is our self talk that creates our self concept and there is a one to one relationship between our self concept(s) and our level of performance. If we want to improve our level of performance or effectiveness in any area of our life, we need to improve our self concept. We improve our self concept by deliberately creating new language that describes our new desired result. Through repetition our revised self talk provides NEW instructions to our subconscious which immediately goes to work to fulfill these “new orders”.
The subconscious is totally non-judgmental. It does not argue what is right or wrong or what may be best for us. It simply works to effect what it has been told by the conscious area of the mind.
If you want to change your life, start by changing the way you talk to yourself – I bet you’ll be amazed by the results.
Stuck in a Rut? 5 Things That Will Liberate You – Now!
Do you feel stuck, weighed down or constricted at times? Do you hold back from saying what you really feel, or perhaps stop yourself from acting according to your true heart’... Finerminds: Read more
Here are five ways we can learn to experience inner freedom:
1) Become aware of what feels light and right – then act on it.
The actual experience of heaviness and lightness in the body are the greatest indicators as to what resonates with you, and what doesn’t. Ask yourself, “What is my true heart’s desire?”
Do I want to say yes or no when asked to do something for someone? A “yes” feels light and peaceful in the body, whereas a “no” feels heavy, constricted and draining. Sense how you feel, and be aware of the sensations in your body, as they will guide you to your highest good.
2) Just be yourself!
Stop holding back who you are because of fear of what others might think. Of course, everyone wants to feel loved and accepted, but when you give up who you really are in order to be accepted and loved by people who just don’t resonate with you, you are hurting yourself.
3) Let go of thoughts and beliefs that weigh you down and hold you back from experiencing your freedom.
Take a personal inventory of your thoughts and beliefs throughout your day. Do you have limiting beliefs? For example, “I will never be able to lose those last five pounds”, or “It’s so hard for me to orgasm during sex with my partner”.
What we believe, we receive. Let go of your old limiting beliefs to make room for new possibilities in your life. “I make the impossible possible” is an empowering mantra to help you shift out of old and disempowering beliefs.
4) Love yourself without conditions.
Self-love and acceptance equals the ultimate freedom experience.
Stand in front of a mirror naked and look at all of you. See yourself in a state of full acceptance and admiration for your amazing body, which is the temple of your soul, and a sacred vessel to be honored and appreciated.
Let go of all judgments and expectations. If you have been too self-conscious about your body, forgive yourself now. Say, “I am sorry, self, for judging your body. I love you. Please forgive me, thank you!”
When you think about it, your body is so amazing. It’s constantly processing, feeling, thinking, creating and communicating with its trillion cells in order for you to function optimally.
5) Practice loving others for the pure sake of loving.
Choose the most difficult person in your life that you need to forgive and accept, and focus on doing just that.
Stuck in a Rut? 5 Things That Will Liberate You – Now!
Do you feel stuck, weighed down or constricted at times? Do you hold back from saying what you really feel, or perhaps stop yourself from acting according to your true heart’... Finerminds: Read more
Here are five ways we can learn to experience inner freedom:
1) Become aware of what feels light and right – then act on it.
The actual experience of heaviness and lightness in the body are the greatest indicators as to what resonates with you, and what doesn’t. Ask yourself, “What is my true heart’s desire?”
Do I want to say yes or no when asked to do something for someone? A “yes” feels light and peaceful in the body, whereas a “no” feels heavy, constricted and draining. Sense how you feel, and be aware of the sensations in your body, as they will guide you to your highest good.
2) Just be yourself!
Stop holding back who you are because of fear of what others might think. Of course, everyone wants to feel loved and accepted, but when you give up who you really are in order to be accepted and loved by people who just don’t resonate with you, you are hurting yourself.
3) Let go of thoughts and beliefs that weigh you down and hold you back from experiencing your freedom.
Take a personal inventory of your thoughts and beliefs throughout your day. Do you have limiting beliefs? For example, “I will never be able to lose those last five pounds”, or “It’s so hard for me to orgasm during sex with my partner”.
What we believe, we receive. Let go of your old limiting beliefs to make room for new possibilities in your life. “I make the impossible possible” is an empowering mantra to help you shift out of old and disempowering beliefs.
4) Love yourself without conditions.
Self-love and acceptance equals the ultimate freedom experience.
Stand in front of a mirror naked and look at all of you. See yourself in a state of full acceptance and admiration for your amazing body, which is the temple of your soul, and a sacred vessel to be honored and appreciated.
Let go of all judgments and expectations. If you have been too self-conscious about your body, forgive yourself now. Say, “I am sorry, self, for judging your body. I love you. Please forgive me, thank you!”
When you think about it, your body is so amazing. It’s constantly processing, feeling, thinking, creating and communicating with its trillion cells in order for you to function optimally.
5) Practice loving others for the pure sake of loving.
Choose the most difficult person in your life that you need to forgive and accept, and focus on doing just that.
Improve Your Mental News Feed With Positive Self-Talk
The constant mental chatter going on in your head is a lot like a social media news feed. Some of it funny, some sad, some inspirational and some negative – what you read depends on what your friends post – in the case of your mind, the ‘friends’ are your beliefs. The mental chatter goes on all day long, partly within your awareness, but mostly automatic and if it’s negative, it leads to undesirable results. If you want to change the nature of your ‘news feed’ and your life’s circumstances, you have to change your ‘friends’ and the best way to do this is through self-talk.
Positive Self-Talk Examples
- I can accomplish anything I set my mind toYou are amazing. Tell yourself that!
- I use my creativity and intuition to problem-solve outside of logical thinking
- I am as capable as anyone else
- I love challenges and the wisdom they bring
- I am worthy of being happy and successful
- I am strong and confident
- I always give my best effort and reap the rewards
- I see the best in people and situations
- I can control my thoughts and choose thoughts that benefit me
- I am important
Improve Your Mental News Feed With Positive Self-Talk
The constant mental chatter going on in your head is a lot like a social media news feed. Some of it funny, some sad, some inspirational and some negative – what you read depends on what your friends post – in the case of your mind, the ‘friends’ are your beliefs. The mental chatter goes on all day long, partly within your awareness, but mostly automatic and if it’s negative, it leads to undesirable results. If you want to change the nature of your ‘news feed’ and your life’s circumstances, you have to change your ‘friends’ and the best way to do this is through self-talk.
Positive Self-Talk Examples
- I can accomplish anything I set my mind to
You are amazing. Tell yourself that! - I use my creativity and intuition to problem-solve outside of logical thinking
- I am as capable as anyone else
- I love challenges and the wisdom they bring
- I am worthy of being happy and successful
- I am strong and confident
- I always give my best effort and reap the rewards
- I see the best in people and situations
- I can control my thoughts and choose thoughts that benefit me
- I am important
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