Unleash Your Power with I AM Affirmations
“I am” is the most powerful statement you can make. It is a declaration. The trouble starts when we use “I am” in a negative way – but you can learn to speak in a way that honors who you are, empowers you, and helps you create the circumstances you want, by using I Am affirmations.
The words you think and speak are creative forces. How many of your thoughts and words are negative – creating unwanted circumstances – and how many are positive? Do you even know?

Before doing anything else, it’s important to get an idea of what your inner speech is like and become aware of how you speak to others. Use the Silva Method 3-to-1 or 5-to-1 countdown technique to
get into the alpha brainwave state. Then, when your mind is more relaxed, ‘sit back and listen’ to your inner chatter. Let your mind ramble on about anything it wants to. To keep from getting involved in a thought, say “Stop” when a thought is finished. That will ‘reboot’ your mind and it will come up with another topic. Just take note of which statements are negative and which are positive.
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