Do you know those people who always seem to be happy? 

Even faced with challenges or adversity, there are certain people who seem to maintain their joyful state and love for life, no matter what. 

It turns out that joyful people tend to have a few habits that help them to get the most out of life and keep them looking on the bright side… 

So if you want to infuse more happiness into your life right now, keep these 10 habits in mind :)

Habit #1: Appreciate life ~ Develop an attitude of gratitude and count your blessings! When you start looking for things to be thankful for, you'll discover more reasons to be grateful. 

Habit #2: Keep learning ~ Invest time and energy into continually learning and developing new skills. Keep your brain stimulated with exciting information and hobbies. 

Habit #3: Do what you love ~ This may seem obvious, but a majority of people dislike their job! Choose a career that you enjoy and make time in your schedule for your hobbies and to pursue special interests. 

Habit #4: Laughter - Don't take life too seriously! Laugh at yourself, make light of your circumstances and infuse fun into daily activities. 

Habit #5: Forgiveness - Holding onto anger, resentment or jealousy will only hurt you. Learn to forgive others & yourself for mistakes. Let it go and move on. 

Habit #6: Meditation ~ More and more research is showing that meditation has major benefits on health and well-being. It increases positive emotions, life satisfaction and immune function. 

Habit #7: Love ~ Nurture your relationships with friends & family and make it a priority to spend time with and to support your loved ones.

Habit #8: Stop comparing ~ Happy people don't waste their time worrying about what other people think, or with gossiping. Let go of the need to judge or criticize. Instead concentrate on creating and living YOUR best life. 

Habit #9: Be positive! ~ Make an effort to see the glass half full and always look for the silver lining in any situation. If you notice a negative thought creeping into your mind, counteract it with a powerful, positive affirmation. 

Habit #10: Surround yourself with those who take you higher ~ Surround yourself with happy, positive people who truly want the best for you and support you on your journey to success. 

The more you incorporate these 10 habits into your daily life, the happier you'll be. 

So which tips will you start implementing into your life right now? 

Don't procrastinate on this, your best life is waiting :)

To your happiness, 
Natalie ~ Mind Movies 


Do you know those people who always seem to be happy? 

Even faced with challenges or adversity, there are certain people who seem to maintain their joyful state and love for life, no matter what. 

It turns out that joyful people tend to have a few habits that help them to get the most out of life and keep them looking on the bright side… 

So if you want to infuse more happiness into your life right now, keep these 10 habits in mind :)

Habit #1: Appreciate life ~ Develop an attitude of gratitude and count your blessings! When you start looking for things to be thankful for, you'll discover more reasons to be grateful. 

Habit #2: Keep learning ~ Invest time and energy into continually learning and developing new skills. Keep your brain stimulated with exciting information and hobbies. 

Habit #3: Do what you love ~ This may seem obvious, but a majority of people dislike their job! Choose a career that you enjoy and make time in your schedule for your hobbies and to pursue special interests. 

Habit #4: Laughter - Don't take life too seriously! Laugh at yourself, make light of your circumstances and infuse fun into daily activities. 

Habit #5: Forgiveness - Holding onto anger, resentment or jealousy will only hurt you. Learn to forgive others & yourself for mistakes. Let it go and move on. 

Habit #6: Meditation ~ More and more research is showing that meditation has major benefits on health and well-being. It increases positive emotions, life satisfaction and immune function. 

Habit #7: Love ~ Nurture your relationships with friends & family and make it a priority to spend time with and to support your loved ones.

Habit #8: Stop comparing ~ Happy people don't waste their time worrying about what other people think, or with gossiping. Let go of the need to judge or criticize. Instead concentrate on creating and living YOUR best life. 

Habit #9: Be positive! ~ Make an effort to see the glass half full and always look for the silver lining in any situation. If you notice a negative thought creeping into your mind, counteract it with a powerful, positive affirmation. 

Habit #10: Surround yourself with those who take you higher ~ Surround yourself with happy, positive people who truly want the best for you and support you on your journey to success. 

The more you incorporate these 10 habits into your daily life, the happier you'll be. 

So which tips will you start implementing into your life right now? 

Don't procrastinate on this, your best life is waiting :)

To your happiness, 
Natalie ~ Mind Movies 


How to Silence Your Inner Critic
Do you have an inner critic? Does it constantly bother you on every single step that you take. It plays with your mind creating commotion, bogging .Read more..

How to Silence Your Inner Critic
Do you have an inner critic? Does it constantly bother you on every single step that you take. It plays with your mind creating commotion, bogging .Read more..


Madrid street cleaners end their strike as unions reach deal on layoffs

Workers will be given 45-day furloughs over the next four years. Stoppage lasted almost two weeks.

Madrid street cleaners end their strike as unions reach deal on layoffs

Workers will be given 45-day furloughs over the next four years. Stoppage lasted almost two weeks.

Eating a full English breakfast CAN help you lose weight: Protein - not cereal or fruit - is best for preventing hunger pangs

A hearty sitting of foods like sausage, egg or bacon for the first meal of the day helps to curb hunger throughout the morning and cut the number of calories eaten at lunch time
A meal high in protein instead of carbohydrate or fibre for breakfast can fight off hunger and avoid the urge to over-eat later in the day, say Missouri researchers.

Eating a full English breakfast CAN help you lose weight: Protein - not cereal or fruit - is best for preventing hunger pangs

A hearty sitting of foods like sausage, egg or bacon for the first meal of the day helps to curb hunger throughout the morning and cut the number of calories eaten at lunch time
A meal high in protein instead of carbohydrate or fibre for breakfast can fight off hunger and avoid the urge to over-eat later in the day, say Missouri researchers.

'Superbugs could erase a century of medical advances,' experts warn

No longer profitable, new antibiotics have not been created since 1987
Doctors issue new warning of devastating effect of over-prescribing antibiotics for trivial ailments.
The Independent

'Superbugs could erase a century of medical advances,' experts warn

No longer profitable, new antibiotics have not been created since 1987
Doctors issue new warning of devastating effect of over-prescribing antibiotics for trivial ailments.
The Independent

Snail slime facials being offered in Japan - video

A beauty salon in Tokyo is offering facial treatments in which snails provide slime to treat the skin. According to a beautician, snail slime removes dry skin, makes the face supple and moisturizes. The centre currently only houses enough snails for one facial per day, as the creatures' slime runs out quickly

Snail slime facials being offered in Japan - video

A beauty salon in Tokyo is offering facial treatments in which snails provide slime to treat the skin. According to a beautician, snail slime removes dry skin, makes the face supple and moisturizes. The centre currently only houses enough snails for one facial per day, as the creatures' slime runs out quickly


Convocatoria profesores Secundaria de más de 100 plazas para trabajar como profesores visitantes en Estados Unidos y Canadá en el curso 2014-2015.

Se acaba de hacer pública la convocatoria de más de 100 plazas para profesores de Secundaria y licenciados que quieran trabajar comoprofesores visitantes impartiendo clases en español en Estados Unidos y Canadá durante el curso 2014-2015. El número total de plazas es de 315 pero hay muchas para maestros en EEUU y Canadá.
Keep reading

Convocatoria profesores Secundaria de más de 100 plazas para trabajar como profesores visitantes en Estados Unidos y Canadá en el curso 2014-2015.

Se acaba de hacer pública la convocatoria de más de 100 plazas para profesores de Secundaria y licenciados que quieran trabajar comoprofesores visitantes impartiendo clases en español en Estados Unidos y Canadá durante el curso 2014-2015. El número total de plazas es de 315 pero hay muchas para maestros en EEUU y Canadá.
Keep reading


30 Ways To Make Life Simple Again

simple lifeWe get together with friends and always talk about how life was so much easier when we were younger. The truth is, life is still easy and it will always be. The fact is that as we get older, we end up complicating life for ourselves. When we were young, we saw the world around us through simple eyes. All this changes as we get older, as we begin to be affected by negative influences, as we stumble and fall and go through experiences. We make our lives so difficult over a course of time that we end up losing touch with who we are and what we need. KEEP READING


30 Minute Meditation: Asking for Nothing .... And Receiving Everything

30 Minute Meditation: Asking for Nothing .... And Receiving Everything

A couple of days ago we posted a fantastic exercise called The Focus Wheel, by Abraham Hicks. This exercise helps you to pivot from a place of negativity and lack, to one of positive expectation and expectancy.

Even though Abraham gave a great description of how to do it (click here to see the original post), I came across this video and article which makes the process even easier to follow and do, and I thought of you guys!

What did you think about it?

A couple of days ago we posted a fantastic exercise called The Focus Wheel, by Abraham Hicks. This exercise helps you to pivot from a place of negativity and lack, to one of positive expectation and expectancy.

Even though Abraham gave a great description of how to do it (click here to see the original post), I came across this video and article which makes the process even easier to follow and do, and I thought of you guys!

What did you think about it?

Affirmation of the Week:

I am optimistic and always have positive thoughts about myself.

Affirmation of the Week:

I am optimistic and always have positive thoughts about myself.

Food for Thought:

A head full of fears has no space for dreams.

Food for Thought:

A head full of fears has no space for dreams.


7 Health Benefits of Garlic

If you could only use one ingredient to add flavor to your cooking for the rest of your life, what would it be? Many might say garlic. That’s right, garlic: an appetizing cooking ingredient that moonlights as a defender against vampires. However, one more title can be added to garlic’s impressive resume: defender of the […]Read more

7 Health Benefits of Garlic

If you could only use one ingredient to add flavor to your cooking for the rest of your life, what would it be? Many might say garlic. That’s right, garlic: an appetizing cooking ingredient that moonlights as a defender against vampires. However, one more title can be added to garlic’s impressive resume: defender of the […]Read more

Quote of the Day

Quote of the Day


Drinking Coffee Cuts Liver Cancer Risk 40

Drinking coffee lowers the risk of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), the most common type of liver cancer, by about 40 percent. In addition, some statistics show that three cups a day reduce the risk by more than 50 percent....
Newsmax. Read more

Drinking Coffee Cuts Liver Cancer Risk 40

Drinking coffee lowers the risk of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), the most common type of liver cancer, by about 40 percent. In addition, some statistics show that three cups a day reduce the risk by more than 50 percent....
Newsmax. Read more

Brushing Teeth Found to Prevent Heart Disease

Taking care of your teeth can also take care of your heart. That's the latest word from Columbia University researchers who found taking care of your gums by brushing, flossing, and regular dental visits can help keep heart disease at bay, according to a Medical Express report.
Newsmax Read more

Brushing Teeth Found to Prevent Heart Disease

Taking care of your teeth can also take care of your heart. That's the latest word from Columbia University researchers who found taking care of your gums by brushing, flossing, and regular dental visits can help keep heart disease at bay, according to a Medical Express report.
Newsmax Read more