Showing posts with label weather idioms. Show all posts
Showing posts with label weather idioms. Show all posts


Idioms using words for weather

raining cats and dogs- raining very hard. Wow! Look outside. It'sraining cats and dogs.
(to be) full of hot air- a person who talks a lot and says things that aren't completely true.He's always talking about how he is going to find gold in the river. I don't believe him. I think he'sfull of hot air.
when it rains it pours- nothing happens and then everything happens. Nobody ever visits my house and then 10 people come. When it rains, it pours.
sunny (as an adjective)- happy or pleasant. The new office girl has a very sunny personality.
a breeze- easy. That test was a breeze.
a fair-weathered friend- a person who is only your friend when everything is good.
under the weather- feeling bad. Joan felt under the weather after she failed her history exam.
cloud nine- wonderful place or feeling. After I got my dream job I was on cloud nine.

weather the storm- survive during difficult times. Even though my father lost his job, we were able to weather the storm. Now everything is better.

Idioms using words for weather

raining cats and dogs- raining very hard. Wow! Look outside. It'sraining cats and dogs.
(to be) full of hot air- a person who talks a lot and says things that aren't completely true.He's always talking about how he is going to find gold in the river. I don't believe him. I think he'sfull of hot air.
when it rains it pours- nothing happens and then everything happens. Nobody ever visits my house and then 10 people come. When it rains, it pours.
sunny (as an adjective)- happy or pleasant. The new office girl has a very sunny personality.
a breeze- easy. That test was a breeze.
a fair-weathered friend- a person who is only your friend when everything is good.
under the weather- feeling bad. Joan felt under the weather after she failed her history exam.
cloud nine- wonderful place or feeling. After I got my dream job I was on cloud nine.

weather the storm- survive during difficult times. Even though my father lost his job, we were able to weather the storm. Now everything is better.