The first Rule of Happiness. – Stop Feeling Sorry for Yourself!

 “Self-pity is our worst enemy and if we yield

to it, we can never do anything wise in

this world.” - Helen Keller

Everybody enjoys wallowing in a little self-pity. It feels great to remind ourselves how terrible the world is. How we’ve not been given the right opportunities. How people are against us. How life has been a real struggle this past year.


 Snap at someone: to speak sharply or angrily to someone

Don't snap at me.

This teacher was always snapping at the children

Note: snap transfers an animal's sudden bite at something to a verbal attack. 


How to live longer: The best vegetables to boost life expectancy

The NHS encourages people to eat 'five-a-day', but which vegetables are the most nutritious? If you're struggling to meet this minimum health requirement, here are some tips to get the vitamins and minerals your body needs. Express