When you’re holding on to anger, you have less room for love…

When you’re holding on to resentment, you have less room for happiness...

When you’re holding on to fear, you have less room for creativity...

You literally limit your ability to think clearly, feel safe, and create the life you want.


Vitamin D: Four groups of people at risk of developing a deficiency

VITAMIN D deficiency can trigger symptoms such as bone pain and muscle weakness. It primarily comes from sunlight, and can also come from foods and supplements. But there five groups of people at risk of developing a deficiency. Six symptoms to watch out for including hair loss, flu and sweating... Express

Benefits of a bush: Why pubic hair is better for your health than being waxed - and even ATTRACTS sexual partners

Grooming the genital area has become an increasingly common practice in the US. However, experts weigh in on the benefits of keeping your pubic hair.

Experts say pubic hair may protect against trauma, enhance sex, and attract partners
Previous studies have shown that a majority of women have shaved their genitals at least once. Mailonline