30 Minute Meditation: Asking for Nothing .... And Receiving Everything

30 Minute Meditation: Asking for Nothing .... And Receiving Everything

A couple of days ago we posted a fantastic exercise called The Focus Wheel, by Abraham Hicks. This exercise helps you to pivot from a place of negativity and lack, to one of positive expectation and expectancy.

Even though Abraham gave a great description of how to do it (click here to see the original post), I came across this video and article which makes the process even easier to follow and do, and I thought of you guys!

What did you think about it?

A couple of days ago we posted a fantastic exercise called The Focus Wheel, by Abraham Hicks. This exercise helps you to pivot from a place of negativity and lack, to one of positive expectation and expectancy.

Even though Abraham gave a great description of how to do it (click here to see the original post), I came across this video and article which makes the process even easier to follow and do, and I thought of you guys!

What did you think about it?

Affirmation of the Week:

I am optimistic and always have positive thoughts about myself.

Affirmation of the Week:

I am optimistic and always have positive thoughts about myself.

Food for Thought:

A head full of fears has no space for dreams.