Just Say Om
“Scientists study it. Doctors recommend it. Millions of Americans—many of whom don’t even own crystals—practice it every day. Why? Because meditation works Not only do studies show that meditation is boosting their immune system, but brain scans suggest that it may be rewiring their brains to reduce stress. Meanwhile, we nonbelievers are becoming the minority. Ten million American adults now say they practice some form of meditation regularly, twice as many as a decade ago.” – Time Magazine

Positive effects of meditation proven
“A new study shows people who underwent meditation training produced more antibodies to a flu vaccine than people who did not meditate. . Those who took part in the meditation study also showed signs of increased activity in areas of the brain related to positive emotion, as compared to people who did not meditate.” – Washington Times


Just Say Om
“Scientists study it. Doctors recommend it. Millions of Americans—many of whom don’t even own crystals—practice it every day. Why? Because meditation works Not only do studies show that meditation is boosting their immune system, but brain scans suggest that it may be rewiring their brains to reduce stress. Meanwhile, we nonbelievers are becoming the minority. Ten million American adults now say they practice some form of meditation regularly, twice as many as a decade ago.” – Time Magazine

Positive effects of meditation proven
“A new study shows people who underwent meditation training produced more antibodies to a flu vaccine than people who did not meditate. . Those who took part in the meditation study also showed signs of increased activity in areas of the brain related to positive emotion, as compared to people who did not meditate.” – Washington Times



Do you know those people who always seem to be happy? 

Even faced with challenges or adversity, there are certain people who seem to maintain their joyful state and love for life, no matter what. 

It turns out that joyful people tend to have a few habits that help them to get the most out of life and keep them looking on the bright side… 

So if you want to infuse more happiness into your life right now, keep these 10 habits in mind :)

Habit #1: Appreciate life ~ Develop an attitude of gratitude and count your blessings! When you start looking for things to be thankful for, you'll discover more reasons to be grateful. 

Habit #2: Keep learning ~ Invest time and energy into continually learning and developing new skills. Keep your brain stimulated with exciting information and hobbies. 

Habit #3: Do what you love ~ This may seem obvious, but a majority of people dislike their job! Choose a career that you enjoy and make time in your schedule for your hobbies and to pursue special interests. 

Habit #4: Laughter - Don't take life too seriously! Laugh at yourself, make light of your circumstances and infuse fun into daily activities. 

Habit #5: Forgiveness - Holding onto anger, resentment or jealousy will only hurt you. Learn to forgive others & yourself for mistakes. Let it go and move on. 

Habit #6: Meditation ~ More and more research is showing that meditation has major benefits on health and well-being. It increases positive emotions, life satisfaction and immune function. 

Habit #7: Love ~ Nurture your relationships with friends & family and make it a priority to spend time with and to support your loved ones.

Habit #8: Stop comparing ~ Happy people don't waste their time worrying about what other people think, or with gossiping. Let go of the need to judge or criticize. Instead concentrate on creating and living YOUR best life. 

Habit #9: Be positive! ~ Make an effort to see the glass half full and always look for the silver lining in any situation. If you notice a negative thought creeping into your mind, counteract it with a powerful, positive affirmation. 

Habit #10: Surround yourself with those who take you higher ~ Surround yourself with happy, positive people who truly want the best for you and support you on your journey to success. 

The more you incorporate these 10 habits into your daily life, the happier you'll be. 

So which tips will you start implementing into your life right now? 

Don't procrastinate on this, your best life is waiting :)

To your happiness, 
Natalie ~ Mind Movies