Forget counting calories, just cut out sugar: Those who ditched it saw their blood pressure and cholesterol fall in NINE DAYS

Reducing sugar - without counting calories or losing weight - lowered blood pressure and cholesterol and improved liver function, a study by the University of California found. READ MORE


Convocatoria profesores secundaria. plazas en Estados Unidos y Canadá. Curso 2014-2015

Se acaba de hacer pública la convocatoria de más de 100 plazas para profesores de Secundaria y licenciados que quieran trabajar como profesores visitantes impartiendo clases en español enEstados Unidos y Canadá durante el curso 2014-2015. El número total de plazas es de 315 pero hay muchas para maestros en EEUU y Canadá.


Like vs Such As

Can you buy me some fruit like apples or pomegranate?

Why the above sentence is wrong?

Use of "like" in the above sentence mistakenly suggests that the speaker does not want apples or pomegranate, but rather some other fruit that is similar to apples or watermelon.

 "Like" means "similar to", and "such as" means "for example".

Can you buy me some fruit like apples or watermelon?

This sentence implies that the speaker does NOT want apples or watermelon; instead, he prefers some fruit similar to apples and watermelon.

Correct - Can you buy me some fruit such as apples or watermelon?apples and watermelon are examples of the type of fruit we want. -

"Like" is more informal and commonly used to emulate the spoken language, while "such as" is better to be used in the written language because it is more formal.

Furthermore, "such as" is more indicated to introduce a list of elements at least three elements that have something in common