Quick manifestation tips

I´ve recently read this really cool article on The Huffington Post.

It lists 5 simple secrets of manifestation, which I thought I'd share with you today :)

Secret 1: Know What You Want! This may sound simple, but so often people miss this imperative step. To get the best results, you must not only know what you want, but you must know every single little detail of how it looks and how it feels. Get specific!

Secret 2: Have Faith! Even when you face challenges or hardships, you must absolutely believe that your dreams will be your reality! This makes your manifestations pop up in your life so much faster. So… just… believe :)

Secret 3: Detach Your Happiness and Self-Worth From the Outcome. If your sense of worth and happiness are attached to achieving your goal, this means you're defining your worth by your achievements, rather than by who you really are. So instead of focusing on the goal as a means to bring happiness, focus on feeling happy, peaceful and joyful within yourself, every single day!

Secret 4: Maintain Connection and Take Responsibility for Your Feelings. Being open, maintaining a connection with source and being in touch with your feelings, will help you live in a constant frequency of manifestation. Open your heart <3

Secret 5: Make an Effort -- Take Loving Action. Take action towards your dreams, keep your passion ignited and naturally make choices that support your goals, and watch as your life is flooded with all of the things you desire.

I hope you enjoyed those 5 quick manifestation tips. I challenge you to implement at least 1 of these tips into your life today!

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