En el Boletín Oficial de la Junta de Andalucía BOJA n.º 55, de 22 de marzo de 2016, se convocan pruebas selectivas para cubrir 1.987 plazas de los Cuerpos de Profesores de Enseñanza Secundaria, Profesores Técnicos de Formación Profesional y Profesores de Escuelas Oficiales de Idiomas, en el ámbito de gestión de la Consejería de Educación de la Junta de Andalucía, con el desglose por especialidades y turnos.
Daily dose of aspirin 'could SLASH risk of bowel cancer by a FIFTH'
Is YOGURT the key to preventing high blood pressure? Five servings a week cut the risk by 20% - and by even more if you add fruit
Women who eat five or more servings of yogurt a week are less likely to develop high blood pressure, research has found.
Effect of eating yogurt five times a week was even greater in people who also ate lots of fruit, veg, nuts and beans – a 31% reduction in high BP risk
May be because the bacteria in yogurt helps to lower cholesterol
Effect of eating yogurt five times a week was even greater in people who also ate lots of fruit, veg, nuts and beans – a 31% reduction in high BP risk
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