Burgers and bacon every 2 days ‘good’ says research
Acid reflux symptoms: GP reveals the food which will give YOU heartburn
ACID REFLUX, also known as heartburn can cause an unpleasant taste in the mouth, a sore throat and a chronic cough - but also pain in the chest. The condition however, can be triggered by eating certain foods.
Heartburn can be triggered by overfilling the stomach, and several foods and drinks associated with Christmas are reported as common triggers. the juices cause irritation resulting in symptoms such as indigestion or heartburn.
“The main foods to avoid are spicy food, onions and garlic and caffeinated drinks, including coffee.”
Other food people should aim to avoid include citrus fruits such as oranges and even avoid orange juice - which can make symptoms worse.
Tomatoes and chocolate can also trigger symptoms in some sufferers. Express
Grandma was right! Apple cider vinegar is the one-stop product for health and beauty and can prevent heart attacks and dandruff
How to Get Rid of Bad Breath Naturally

Here are simple methods to help test yourself for bad breath.
- First, take a piece of unwaxed, unflavored white dental floss. Floss between your upper and lower back molars. Now examine the floss. Is it red or brown? Wait about 45 seconds and then smell it. Does it have a bad odor? If so, then you probably have bad breath.
- Next, with clean fingers pull your tongue forward. With your other hand and a clean white washcloth, rub or scrape the furthest back portion of your tongue two or three times. Wait for 45 seconds and then smell the cloth. Is there a bad odor?
- Bewellbuzz
Aluminium DOES cause Alzheimer's: Expert says new findings confirm the metal plays a role in the devastating brain disease .
There has been a strong link between human exposure to aluminium and the incidence of Alzheimer’s disease for half a century or more.
However, without definite proof, there is still no consensus in the scientific community about the role of this known neurotoxin in this devastating brain disease.
Individuals who develop Alzheimer’s disease in their late sixties and older also accumulate more aluminium in their brain tissue than individuals of the same age without the disease.
Environmental or occupational exposure to aluminium results in higher levels of aluminium in human brain tissue and an early onset form of sporadic Alzheimer’s disease.
Men taking a sauna 4-7 times a week were 66 per cent less likely to be diagnosed with dementia than those taking a sauna once a week, the 20-year follow-up study from the the University of Eastern Finland found.
However, without definite proof, there is still no consensus in the scientific community about the role of this known neurotoxin in this devastating brain disease.
Individuals who develop Alzheimer’s disease in their late sixties and older also accumulate more aluminium in their brain tissue than individuals of the same age without the disease.
Environmental or occupational exposure to aluminium results in higher levels of aluminium in human brain tissue and an early onset form of sporadic Alzheimer’s disease.
Frequent sauna bathing can reduce the risk of dementia, a new study has claimed.
The study is the first to link sauna bathing to dementia risk.
Brush teeth to beat Arthritis: Bugs that cause gum disease linked to rheumatoid arthritis
BRUSHING your teeth could help ward off the agony of rheumatoid arthritis, according to new research. More than 700,000 people in Britain now suffer from arthritis which destroys soft tissue, cartilage and bone. It affects mainly, but not exclusively, the elderly. EXpress
Lung cancer NEWS: Simple painkiller IBUPROFEN could reduce risk of deadly disease
IBUPROFEN may lower the risk of lung cancer among those with a history of cigarette smoking, experts have revealed. Scientists and medics have previously established that chronic inflammation appears to increase the risk of lung cancer, and medicines that reduce inflammation have been shown to reduce this risk. EXPRESS
Eating one egg a day 'slashes the risk of a stroke by 12%'
A study, which involved more than 275,000 participants, evaluated the relationship between eating eggs and coronary heart disease plus stroke.
"Eggs do have many positive nutritional attributes, including antioxidants, which have been shown to reduce oxidative stress and inflammation.
"They are also an excellent source of protein, which has been related to lower blood pressure."
Eat nuts every day to cut heart and cancer risk: Just a handful can reduce chance of dying early by a fifth
Nostradamus predictions for 2017: Terrifying forewarnings of 16th century prophet revealed
China could make bold moves to cure the “economic imbalance” in the world with far-reaching effects, according to believers.
Italy could face financial hardship with rising unemployment and loans making it the “epicentre” of a fresh eurozone crisis.
The “current superpower”, believed to be a reference to the US, is expected to become increasingly ungovernable and incompetent in the year that Mr Trump enters office.
The most terrifying of the alleged prophecies is a “Hot War” over global warming and diminishing resources, with the greatest threats said to be biological warfare and terrorism.
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Italy could face financial hardship with rising unemployment and loans making it the “epicentre” of a fresh eurozone crisis.
The “current superpower”, believed to be a reference to the US, is expected to become increasingly ungovernable and incompetent in the year that Mr Trump enters office.
The most terrifying of the alleged prophecies is a “Hot War” over global warming and diminishing resources, with the greatest threats said to be biological warfare and terrorism.
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