How to live longer: Matcha green tea turmeric smoothies are known to help boost longevity


Turmeric is also anti-inflammatory, used for pain relief, has antioxidant effects (which are good for the liver), improves brain function, plays a role in digestion, and so much more. 

One tablespoon of turmeric contains 26 percent of one’s daily manganese needs, 16 percent of iron needs, five percent of daily potassium and three percent of daily vitamin C. 

So together, the turmeric and green tea make this smoothie an antioxidant powerhouse.  Express


Arthritis treatment: The surprising Christmas treat that could ease your joint pain

It is said that ginger, in theory, could "reduce the activity of several chemical substances that promote joint inflammation". The charity cites three clinical trials which have noted the the beneficial effects ginger can in reducing pain and disability. Express