Word of the Day: deal

When the word "deal" is used as a noun, it refers to an agreement:
  • Joe made a deal with his neighbor to build and share a fence along their property line.
  • The U.S. government created a deal to end the war in Iraq.
  • We made a deal on a house. (We signed a purchase agreement.)
You can also use "deal" as a noun when there's a good price for something:
  • We got a good deal on a car.
  • This restaurant is offering two-for-one entrees. That's a pretty good deal.
If you use the word "deal" as a verb, it has many different meanings:
  • When playing poker, you deal five cards to each player. (deal = distribute cards)
  • She's not dealing very well with the death of her husband. (deal with = cope; manage one's emotions)
  • Yasmin has to deal with a lof of customers every day. (deal with = work with; help)
  • Okay, deal me in. (This expression is used when a person wants to be included in something.)
  • He was caught dealing drugs. (deal = sell illegal drugs)

Word of the Day: deal

When the word "deal" is used as a noun, it refers to an agreement:
  • Joe made a deal with his neighbor to build and share a fence along their property line.
  • The U.S. government created a deal to end the war in Iraq.
  • We made a deal on a house. (We signed a purchase agreement.)
You can also use "deal" as a noun when there's a good price for something:
  • We got a good deal on a car.
  • This restaurant is offering two-for-one entrees. That's a pretty good deal.
If you use the word "deal" as a verb, it has many different meanings:
  • When playing poker, you deal five cards to each player. (deal = distribute cards)
  • She's not dealing very well with the death of her husband. (deal with = cope; manage one's emotions)
  • Yasmin has to deal with a lof of customers every day. (deal with = work with; help)
  • Okay, deal me in. (This expression is used when a person wants to be included in something.)
  • He was caught dealing drugs. (deal = sell illegal drugs)


Orden ECD/2784/2012, de 19 de diciembre, por la que se convoca concurso
de méritos para la provisión de puestos de personal docente en el exterior.


Orden ECD/2784/2012, de 19 de diciembre, por la que se convoca concurso
de méritos para la provisión de puestos de personal docente en el exterior.


Pregnant women who see the hygienist reduce their risk of a premature birth by a third

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  • Women with gum disease who had a high risk of premature birth benefited from having a procedure called scaling and root planing

Pregnant women who see the hygienist reduce their risk of a premature birth by a third

  • Severe gum infections cause an increase in the production of chemicals which induce labour
  • Women with gum disease who had a high risk of premature birth benefited from having a procedure called scaling and root planing

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