Unemployment in Spain passes six-million mark for the first time

Jobless rate moves above 27 percent despite slowing recession

Homes in which nobody has work increase to almost two million

According to the National Statistics Institute’s Active Population Survey (EPA) for the period January-March, the number of people out of work rose by 237,400 from the previous three months to 6.202 million as the unemployment rate jumped from 26.02 percent to 27.16 percent, the highest level since the current series began to be compiled in 1976, just after the death of dictator Francisco Franco.

Unemployment in Spain passes six-million mark for the first time

Jobless rate moves above 27 percent despite slowing recession

Homes in which nobody has work increase to almost two million

According to the National Statistics Institute’s Active Population Survey (EPA) for the period January-March, the number of people out of work rose by 237,400 from the previous three months to 6.202 million as the unemployment rate jumped from 26.02 percent to 27.16 percent, the highest level since the current series began to be compiled in 1976, just after the death of dictator Francisco Franco.

Stuck in a Rut? 5 Things That Will Liberate You – Now!

Stuck in a Rut? 5 Things That Will Liberate You – Now!
Do you feel stuck, weighed down or constricted at times? Do you hold back from saying what you really feel, or perhaps stop yourself from acting according to your true heart’... Finerminds: Read more
Here are five ways we can learn to experience inner freedom:

1) Become aware of what feels light and right – then act on it.

The actual experience of heaviness and lightness in the body are the greatest indicators as to what resonates with you, and what doesn’t. Ask yourself, “What is my true heart’s desire?”
Do I want to say yes or no when asked to do something for someone? A “yes” feels light and peaceful in the body, whereas a “no” feels heavy, constricted and draining. Sense how you feel, and be aware of the sensations in your body, as they will guide you to your highest good.

2) Just be yourself!

Stop holding back who you are because of fear of what others might think. Of course, everyone wants to feel loved and accepted, but when you give up who you really are in order to be accepted and loved by people who just don’t resonate with you, you are hurting yourself.
3) Let go of thoughts and beliefs that weigh you down and hold you back from experiencing your freedom.
Take a personal inventory of your thoughts and beliefs throughout your day. Do you have limiting beliefs? For example, “I will never be able to lose those last five pounds”, or “It’s so hard for me to orgasm during sex with my partner”.
What we believe, we receive. Let go of your old limiting beliefs to make room for new possibilities in your life. “I make the impossible possible” is an empowering mantra to help you shift out of old and disempowering beliefs.

4) Love yourself without conditions.

Self-love and acceptance equals the ultimate freedom experience.
Stand in front of a mirror naked and look at all of you. See yourself in a state of full acceptance and admiration for your amazing body, which is the temple of your soul, and a sacred vessel to be honored and appreciated.
Let go of all judgments and expectations. If you have been too self-conscious about your body, forgive yourself now. Say, “I am sorry, self, for judging your body. I love you. Please forgive me, thank you!”
When you think about it, your body is so amazing. It’s constantly processing, feeling, thinking, creating and communicating with its trillion cells in order for you to function optimally.
5) Practice loving others for the pure sake of loving.
Choose the most difficult person in your life that you need to forgive and accept, and focus on doing just that.

Stuck in a Rut? 5 Things That Will Liberate You – Now!

Stuck in a Rut? 5 Things That Will Liberate You – Now!
Do you feel stuck, weighed down or constricted at times? Do you hold back from saying what you really feel, or perhaps stop yourself from acting according to your true heart’... Finerminds: Read more
Here are five ways we can learn to experience inner freedom:

1) Become aware of what feels light and right – then act on it.

The actual experience of heaviness and lightness in the body are the greatest indicators as to what resonates with you, and what doesn’t. Ask yourself, “What is my true heart’s desire?”
Do I want to say yes or no when asked to do something for someone? A “yes” feels light and peaceful in the body, whereas a “no” feels heavy, constricted and draining. Sense how you feel, and be aware of the sensations in your body, as they will guide you to your highest good.

2) Just be yourself!

Stop holding back who you are because of fear of what others might think. Of course, everyone wants to feel loved and accepted, but when you give up who you really are in order to be accepted and loved by people who just don’t resonate with you, you are hurting yourself.
3) Let go of thoughts and beliefs that weigh you down and hold you back from experiencing your freedom.
Take a personal inventory of your thoughts and beliefs throughout your day. Do you have limiting beliefs? For example, “I will never be able to lose those last five pounds”, or “It’s so hard for me to orgasm during sex with my partner”.
What we believe, we receive. Let go of your old limiting beliefs to make room for new possibilities in your life. “I make the impossible possible” is an empowering mantra to help you shift out of old and disempowering beliefs.

4) Love yourself without conditions.

Self-love and acceptance equals the ultimate freedom experience.
Stand in front of a mirror naked and look at all of you. See yourself in a state of full acceptance and admiration for your amazing body, which is the temple of your soul, and a sacred vessel to be honored and appreciated.
Let go of all judgments and expectations. If you have been too self-conscious about your body, forgive yourself now. Say, “I am sorry, self, for judging your body. I love you. Please forgive me, thank you!”
When you think about it, your body is so amazing. It’s constantly processing, feeling, thinking, creating and communicating with its trillion cells in order for you to function optimally.
5) Practice loving others for the pure sake of loving.
Choose the most difficult person in your life that you need to forgive and accept, and focus on doing just that.

Improve Your Mental News Feed With Positive Self-Talk

The constant mental chatter going on in your head is a lot like a social media news feed. Some of it funny, some sad, some inspirational and some negative – what you read depends on what your friends post – in the case of your mind, the ‘friends’ are your beliefs. The mental chatter goes on all day long, partly within your awareness, but mostly automatic and if it’s negative, it leads to undesirable results. If you want to change the nature of your ‘news feed’ and your life’s circumstances, you have to change your ‘friends’ and the best way to do this is through self-talk.

Positive Self-Talk Examples

  • I can accomplish anything I set my mind to
    You are amazing. Tell yourself that!
    You are amazing. Tell yourself that!
  • I use my creativity and intuition to problem-solve outside of logical thinking
  • I am as capable as anyone else
  • I love challenges and the wisdom they bring
  • I am worthy of being happy and successful
  • I am strong and confident
  • I always give my best effort and reap the rewards
  • I see the best in people and situations
  • I can control my thoughts and choose thoughts that benefit me
  • I am important

Improve Your Mental News Feed With Positive Self-Talk

The constant mental chatter going on in your head is a lot like a social media news feed. Some of it funny, some sad, some inspirational and some negative – what you read depends on what your friends post – in the case of your mind, the ‘friends’ are your beliefs. The mental chatter goes on all day long, partly within your awareness, but mostly automatic and if it’s negative, it leads to undesirable results. If you want to change the nature of your ‘news feed’ and your life’s circumstances, you have to change your ‘friends’ and the best way to do this is through self-talk.

Positive Self-Talk Examples

  • I can accomplish anything I set my mind to
    You are amazing. Tell yourself that!
    You are amazing. Tell yourself that!
  • I use my creativity and intuition to problem-solve outside of logical thinking
  • I am as capable as anyone else
  • I love challenges and the wisdom they bring
  • I am worthy of being happy and successful
  • I am strong and confident
  • I always give my best effort and reap the rewards
  • I see the best in people and situations
  • I can control my thoughts and choose thoughts that benefit me
  • I am important


Datos Concretos de la Miel con Canela


¿Cual es el único alimento que no se daña?
La Miel De Abejas!!!!
La mezcla de Miel y Canela cura la mayoría de las enfermedades…
La miel se produce en casi todos los países del mundo.
A pesar de ser dulce, la ciencia ha demostrado que, tomada en
dosis normales como medicina, la miel no hace daño a los diabéticos.
La revista “Weekly World New” de Canadá, en su edición del 17 de Enero publica una lista de las enfermedades que cura la miel mezclada con canela.
Haga una pasta de miel con canela. Unte pan y cómalo regularmente en el desayuno en lugar de mermelada o mantequilla.
Reduce el colesterol en las arterias y previene ataques al corazón. También previene nuevos ataque en personas que ya tuvieron un primero.
Uso regular de este proceso mitiga la pérdida del aliento y fortalece los latidos del corazón.
En Estados Unidos y Canadá, donde se utiliza esta pasta
continuamente en Casas de Retiro, se ha descubierto que miel con canela revitaliza las arterias y venas de los pacientes ancianos y las limpia.
Mezcle una cucharadita de miel, dos cucharaditas de agua tibia y una cucharadita de canela en polvo. Haga una pasta con los ingredientes y frótela suavemente sobre la picada. El dolor y la picazón desaparecen en uno o dos minutos.
Mezclar: una taza de de agua caliente con dos cucharadas de miel y una cucharadita de canela en polvo. Beber una por la mañana y una por la noche. Si se toma con regularidad hasta la artritis crónica se puede curar.
En un estudio hecho en la Universidad de Copenhagen los doctores dieron a sus pacientes diario, antes del desayuno, una cucharada de miel y 1/2 de canela en polvo. En una semana, de 200 pacientes siguiendo el tratamiento, 75 dejaron de tener dolor totalmente.
Un mes más tarde casi todos los pacientes estaban libres de dolor, aun aquellos que casi no podían caminar ya.
Los que sufren de Calvicie o están perdiendo el cabello, pueden
aplicar una pasta de aceite de oliva lo más caliente que se resista, una cucharada de miel y una cucharadita de canela en polvo al cuero cabelludo. Dejarlo por 15 minutos antes de ducharse. Se probó efectivo aun con lo que dejaron la pasta en su cabeza solamente 5 minutos.
Un vaso de agua tibia mezclada con dos cucharadas de canela en polvo y una cucharada de miel mata los gérmenes que producen infección en los riñones. Tomar mañana y tarde hasta que pase la infección.
Hacer una pasta con una cucharadita de canela y cinco cucharaditas de miel y aplicar al diente que duele.
Esto se debe repetir por lo menos 3 veces al día.
Dos cucharadas de miel con tres cucharaditas de canela mezclados con 16 onzas de agua y tomadas 3 veces al día reduce el colesterol un 10% en DOS horas… Tomado diariamente elimina el colesterol por completo.
Para curar completamente sinusitis, tos crónica y resfríos comunes o severos, mezclar una cucharada de miel tibia con 1/4 cucharada de canela en polvo y tomar con frecuencia.
Diario, media hora antes de acostarse y media hora antes de desayunar, beba miel con canela hervida en una taza de agua. Si se bebe diario reduce el peso hasta de la personas muy obesas.
Tome cada cuatro horas una cucharada de miel mezclada con media de Vinagre de Sidra.
La mezcla de miel con canela también alivia el gas en el estómago, fortifica en Sistema de Inmunización, y alivia la indigestión.
También evita los estragos de la vejez cuando se toma regularmente…
Mezcle 4 cucharadas de miel, una cucharada de canela y tres tazas de agua.
Hierva para hacer un té con estos ingredientes y beba 1/4 de taza tres o cuatro veces al día.
Mantiene la piel fresca y suave y arresta los síntomas de la vejez.