Focused Breathing.


Focused breathing helps to maximize your energy 
intake, while keeping the mind "in the body" and 
clear of distracting, self-limiting thoughts. This
is a natural relaxed state of peak performance.

        Here's how Focused-Breathing                 

The breathing cycle for this exercise is divided 
into three parts, each part getting a set number
of counts:

    Inhale (2 counts)
    Hold the breath (2 counts)
    Exhale (4 counts)

Once you're comfortable with this method, you can
attempt to apply it to your activity. As an example, 
for walking:

    Inhale for 2 steps
    Hold for 2 steps
    Exhale for 4 steps

Ultimately, you want to find a pace and count that 
you can maintain and that feels natural. As you 
become more adept with this technique, try and 
increase your counts while keeping the same ratio. 

For example, inhale for 4 counts, hold for 4 counts, 
exhale for 8 (or 6, 6 and 12). Experiment and find a 
combination that works well for you.

        When should you use this?

Try focused breathing during your next workout or
before your big presentation.

You'll feel more centered, grounded and calm to
better handle your task.


There's no way you can think about yesterday or
tomorrow when you're concentrating on your
next breath. 


Focused Breathing.


Focused breathing helps to maximize your energy 
intake, while keeping the mind "in the body" and 
clear of distracting, self-limiting thoughts. This
is a natural relaxed state of peak performance.

        Here's how Focused-Breathing                 

The breathing cycle for this exercise is divided 
into three parts, each part getting a set number
of counts:

    Inhale (2 counts)
    Hold the breath (2 counts)
    Exhale (4 counts)

Once you're comfortable with this method, you can
attempt to apply it to your activity. As an example, 
for walking:

    Inhale for 2 steps
    Hold for 2 steps
    Exhale for 4 steps

Ultimately, you want to find a pace and count that 
you can maintain and that feels natural. As you 
become more adept with this technique, try and 
increase your counts while keeping the same ratio. 

For example, inhale for 4 counts, hold for 4 counts, 
exhale for 8 (or 6, 6 and 12). Experiment and find a 
combination that works well for you.

        When should you use this?

Try focused breathing during your next workout or
before your big presentation.

You'll feel more centered, grounded and calm to
better handle your task.


There's no way you can think about yesterday or
tomorrow when you're concentrating on your
next breath. 




make a mountain out of a molehill: make something seem much more important than it really is.
"Calm down. There's really nothing to worry about.
You're making a mountain out of a molehill."
make up one's mind: decide what to do.
A: Where are you going on your vacation?
B: Maybe Canada, maybe Mexico. I can't make up my mind."
Not on your life!: Absolutely not! (a strong "no").
A: "Someone said you cheated on the test. Did you?"
B: "Not on your life!"
now and then: occasionally; from time to time.
A: "Do you see Jennifer often?"
B: "No, not really. I see her now and then, but not regularly."
nuts: crazy.
A: "Stuart says some really strange things sometimes."
B: "Sometimes? All the time! He's nuts!"