'Superbugs could erase a century of medical advances,' experts warn

No longer profitable, new antibiotics have not been created since 1987
Doctors issue new warning of devastating effect of over-prescribing antibiotics for trivial ailments.
The Independent

'Superbugs could erase a century of medical advances,' experts warn

No longer profitable, new antibiotics have not been created since 1987
Doctors issue new warning of devastating effect of over-prescribing antibiotics for trivial ailments.
The Independent

Snail slime facials being offered in Japan - video

A beauty salon in Tokyo is offering facial treatments in which snails provide slime to treat the skin. According to a beautician, snail slime removes dry skin, makes the face supple and moisturizes. The centre currently only houses enough snails for one facial per day, as the creatures' slime runs out quickly

Snail slime facials being offered in Japan - video

A beauty salon in Tokyo is offering facial treatments in which snails provide slime to treat the skin. According to a beautician, snail slime removes dry skin, makes the face supple and moisturizes. The centre currently only houses enough snails for one facial per day, as the creatures' slime runs out quickly


Convocatoria profesores Secundaria de más de 100 plazas para trabajar como profesores visitantes en Estados Unidos y Canadá en el curso 2014-2015.

Se acaba de hacer pública la convocatoria de más de 100 plazas para profesores de Secundaria y licenciados que quieran trabajar comoprofesores visitantes impartiendo clases en español en Estados Unidos y Canadá durante el curso 2014-2015. El número total de plazas es de 315 pero hay muchas para maestros en EEUU y Canadá.
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Convocatoria profesores Secundaria de más de 100 plazas para trabajar como profesores visitantes en Estados Unidos y Canadá en el curso 2014-2015.

Se acaba de hacer pública la convocatoria de más de 100 plazas para profesores de Secundaria y licenciados que quieran trabajar comoprofesores visitantes impartiendo clases en español en Estados Unidos y Canadá durante el curso 2014-2015. El número total de plazas es de 315 pero hay muchas para maestros en EEUU y Canadá.
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30 Ways To Make Life Simple Again

simple lifeWe get together with friends and always talk about how life was so much easier when we were younger. The truth is, life is still easy and it will always be. The fact is that as we get older, we end up complicating life for ourselves. When we were young, we saw the world around us through simple eyes. All this changes as we get older, as we begin to be affected by negative influences, as we stumble and fall and go through experiences. We make our lives so difficult over a course of time that we end up losing touch with who we are and what we need. KEEP READING