Food For Thought

The most memorable people in your life will be the people who love you when you were not loving yourself. ~ Brigitte Nicole 


Food for Thought

8 Things To Give Up:

1. Doubting Yourself
2. Negative Thinking
3. Fear of Failure
4. Criticizing yourself & others
5. Negative self talk


10 Phrases for Saying Something is Easy & Difficult

1.It’s a piece of cake.
 2. It’s a cinch.
3. It’s a breeze.
4. Anyone can do it.
5. There’s nothing to it.
6. It’s hard.
7. It’s a bit tricky.
8. It’s really tough.
9. It’s not a walk in the park.
10. It’s very demanding. (= it takes a lot of time and energy)


Eating more nuts is the key to keeping strokes and heart attacks at bay

A man eating Brazil nutsOf course, peanuts are not really nuts - they are legumes since they grow in bushes, unlike tree nuts, but who cares if they help us to live longer at an affordable price?