Tired and grumpy? Expert reveals the 8 best foods to boost your energy - including sweet potato fries
If you're falling asleep at your desk mid-afternoon, energy-boosting foods can help, says London-based nutritionist Rick Hay. The protein, carbohydrates and vitamins in a banana and almond butter snack will energise you and improve your mood. And swapping bread, pasta and rice for sweet potatoes - which release sugar into the bloodstream more slowly - could lead to a steadier stream of energy throughought the day. Here, he reveals his top eight energy-boosting foods, including (from left to right) nuts, spinach, maca powder, peanut butter, sweet potato and salmo. Mail
Walnuts prevents heart disease: Handful each day can reduce cholesterol
A DAILY handful of walnuts reduces bad cholesterol in the elderly and protects against heart disease, a new study found. Express
Are you at risk of heart disease? Take our quiz and find out
ARE you heading for a heart attack? Coronary heart disease is the leading cause of death in the UK, responsible for one in 10 deaths among men and one in six among women. Read more
En el Boletín Oficial de la Junta de Andalucía BOJA n.º 55, de 22 de marzo de 2016, se convocan pruebas selectivas para cubrir 1.987 plazas de los Cuerpos de Profesores de Enseñanza Secundaria, Profesores Técnicos de Formación Profesional y Profesores de Escuelas Oficiales de Idiomas, en el ámbito de gestión de la Consejería de Educación de la Junta de Andalucía, con el desglose por especialidades y turnos.
Daily dose of aspirin 'could SLASH risk of bowel cancer by a FIFTH'
Research involving more than 135,000 people found those who took the painkiller for at least six years had a reduced overall risk of any form of the disease, mainly due to fewer tumours in the colon or stomach. Express
Is YOGURT the key to preventing high blood pressure? Five servings a week cut the risk by 20% - and by even more if you add fruit
Women who eat five or more servings of yogurt a week are less likely to develop high blood pressure, research has found.
Effect of eating yogurt five times a week was even greater in people who also ate lots of fruit, veg, nuts and beans – a 31% reduction in high BP risk
May be because the bacteria in yogurt helps to lower cholesterol
Effect of eating yogurt five times a week was even greater in people who also ate lots of fruit, veg, nuts and beans – a 31% reduction in high BP risk
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