Oferta Pública de Empleo para Secundaria en Murcia, La Rioja y Castilla y León

Se acaban de publicar o conocer las Ofertas Públicas de Empleo para las Oposiciones de Secundaria 2015 en Murcia, La Rioja y Castilla y León. READ MORE

Benefits of Inversion Therapy

  • Decreasing Mood Swings
Standing upside down can actually make you feel better! When blood circulation gets fine, this releases neurotransmitters, balances the hormones which make a person feel light hearted and more happy than usual. So, if you are really sad, try doing inversions! It might make you feel a lot better! This is said to control depression, premenstrual symptoms and mood swings.

12 Health Benefits of Inversions

inversionsCan you believe that standing upside down could actually help your body and your mind? Yes, inversion represents the quiet side of fitness and can significantly help to relieve many forms of back and neck pain. READ MORE


Food For Thought

"Every day, in every moment, we have the ability to choose happiness. Even in the midst of the darkest night, when everything is falling apart, that choice is still available. Sometimes, it's not until we hit rock bottom that we see the choice before us – and sometimes, all it takes is a gentle reminder that we are powerful, loveable, and worthy enough to create our lives, and ourselves in the image of the Divine according to our souls' plans for us."

5 Reasons Why an Apple a Day Is Good for You

Find out the real health benefits of how eating an apple a day can actually keep the doctor away. Express

FAT is the key to living longer: Previous diet advice was WRONG, say experts

Woman eating cheaseHeart specialists now say eating foods with natural fat such as nuts and fish could actually protect against cardiovascular disease.“I tell my own patients to eat whole foods and consume more fats from olive oil, nuts and fish, for which there is good evidence heart attack and stroke are reduced. "My advice would be to avoid anything that is ‘low fat’, which is often loaded with sugar, and processed foods.”