Cannabis cure for cancer? Drug shrinks brain tumours, experts reveal

Cannabis cure cancer marijuana drug shrink brain tumoursCANNABIS can kill cancer cells and shrink others, scientists have confirmed. Currently the drug is not recognised by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as a medicine, but studies of the chemicals in marijuana - cannabinoids - has led the FDA to approve two medications that contain cannabinoid chemicals.

The two cannabinoids of medical interest are THC and CBD. 
THC reduces nausea and increases appetite. 
It may also provide relief from pain, reduce inflammation and decrease muscle control problems. READ MORE


Good diet can boost fertility: Top 10 foods to help couples conceive

Good diet boost fertility top 10 foods help couples conceive

ONE nutritionist has said that a good diet can boost fertility, here are the top 10 foods for men and women she believes couples can eat when they are trying to get pregnant. Express


Affirmation of the Week:

I AM GRATEFUL. My life isn’t perfect, but I am grateful for the perfect moments that make it special.


Garlic slows ageing and protects the brain from disease, study reveals

Fresh garlic (Allium sativum) 'Albigensian wight'

  • Nutrient in garlic offers the brain protection against ageing and disease
  • Could even prevent diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's
  • Read More


Chocolate accelerates weight loss: Research claims it lowers cholesterol and aids sleep

Chocolate accelerates weight loss: Research claims it lowers cholesterol and aids sleepCAN you indulge your sweet tooth and lose weight? If it's chocolate that you crave than the answer seems to be yes.To test the idea, researchers divided volunteers aged 19 to 67 into three groups.Surprisingly, the low-carb plus chocolate group lost 10% more weight.