Uncontrollable pain and muscle weakness are symptoms of THIS incurable hereditary disease

A NEUROLOGICAL condition which causes loss of muscle, touch sensation and mobility issues could affect up to 23,000 people in the UK - and some might not even know about it. EXPRESS


What should I take paracetamol for?

Paracetamol … virtually useless for many ailments.Paracetamol reduces the production of prostaglandins that are involved in inflammation, and so make nerve endings less sensitive to pain.  The guardian

Stillbirth risk rises when an expectant mother sleeps on her back: Position puts more stress on the unborn child because it reduces its oxygen consumption

Researchers at the found the position puts more stress on the unborn baby, causing it to reduce its oxygen consumption. The findings could shed more light on why some babies are lost late on (file image)
Heavily pregnant women who sleep lying on their backs could be at higher risk of having a stillbirth (file image)


9 ways to beat the winter blues and avoid getting SAD

woman-staring-out-window-larger.jpgIn order to safeguard against SAD this winter, there are several things you can do when it comes to mind, physical activity and diet. Read more

These are the commonly ignored health symptoms that we should ALWAYS check up on

Doctor discussing prescription with senior patient12 percent are suffering from a serious health problem, which could have been prevented had they seen a doctor earlier.

According to medical professionals involved in the study, the most commonly ignored symptoms which should ALWAYS be checked out, are a persistent cough lasting over three weeks (20 percent of Brits have ignored), changes in urinary or bowel movements (19 percent) and persistent headaches and blurring of vision (14 percent). The research also found 11 percent of women have put off seeing a doctor after discovering a lump in their breast, while 9 percent of British men have not seen a doctor after finding a testicular lump. Mirror


Keep calm...and carry on breathing: The simple exercises that can alleviate pain and help sufferers cope with anxiety, stress and depression

For thousands of years, people have used simple breathing exercises that can have profound effects on the mind and body and help sufferers cope with anxiety, stress and depression. Mirror

Alzheimer's disease: The six foods YOU should eat to REDUCE risk of condition

Alzheimer'sEATING a healthy diet can protect the organs in the body but it can also reduce the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease. Eat: Blueberries, Eggs, Ginger, Wholegrain foods, Nuts, Oily fish. Read more