If you want to make an improvement in any aspect of your life; whether related to health, fitness, career success or personal accomplishments, start by changing your self talk – you may be surprised to see what happens. Read more
The Incredible Power of Self Talk
If you want to make an improvement in any aspect of your life; whether related to health, fitness, career success or personal accomplishments, start by changing your self talk – you may be surprised to see what happens. Read more
The Incredible Power of Self Talk
If you want to make an improvement in any aspect of your life; whether related to health, fitness, career success or personal accomplishments, start by changing your self talk – you may be surprised to see what happens. Read more
Experts Say These Magic Words Will Change Your
Small language tweaks may help you lose weight, beat stress, and strengthen your marriage. Use these
Experts Say These Magic Words Will Change Your
Small language tweaks may help you lose weight, beat stress, and strengthen your marriage. Use these
Keep Your Chakras Open by Learning How to Be Positive
People often wonder how to be positive about themselves and their lives. A lot of things seem to be conspiring against positivity and it can seem almost like faking it to try… so how does one go about being positive? It’s important to self-assess so you can accept the negativity that may be living within…
Keep Your Chakras Open by Learning How to Be Positive
People often wonder how to be positive about themselves and their lives. A lot of things seem to be conspiring against positivity and it can seem almost like faking it to try… so how does one go about being positive? It’s important to self-assess so you can accept the negativity that may be living within…
Heart pills taken by eight million Britons 'trigger memory loss
Heart pills taken by eight million Britons 'trigger memory loss
in over one's head: in a situation that is too much / too difficult for one to manage.
"Do you have time to help me? I thought I could do this myself,
but I'm afraid I'm in over my head. I just can't handle things alone."
inside out: with the inner part on the outside and the outer part on the inside.
"Why are you wearing your tee shirt inside out?"
in stock: in supply and available to buy / sell.
"I'm sorry, but we just sold our last pair of hiking boots. If you come back
at the end of the week, however, we should have some more in stock.
in the black: profitable; not showing a financial loss.
"What did you do to increase profit and eliminate losses?
We've been in the black for two months in a row."
in the red: unprofitable; showing a financial loss.
"We have to do something to increase profit and decrease losses.
We've been in the red for two months in a row."
in over one's head: in a situation that is too much / too difficult for one to manage.
"Do you have time to help me? I thought I could do this myself,
but I'm afraid I'm in over my head. I just can't handle things alone."
inside out: with the inner part on the outside and the outer part on the inside.
"Why are you wearing your tee shirt inside out?"
in stock: in supply and available to buy / sell.
"I'm sorry, but we just sold our last pair of hiking boots. If you come back
at the end of the week, however, we should have some more in stock.
in the black: profitable; not showing a financial loss.
"What did you do to increase profit and eliminate losses?
We've been in the black for two months in a row."
in the red: unprofitable; showing a financial loss.
"We have to do something to increase profit and decrease losses.
We've been in the red for two months in a row."
Idiom of the day
your guess is as good as mine- I have absolutely no idea (=Vaya vd a saber)
ex. I don't know what happened here. Your guess is as good as mine.
ex. I don't know what happened here. Your guess is as good as mine.
Idiom of the day
your guess is as good as mine- I have absolutely no idea (=Vaya vd a saber)
ex. I don't know what happened here. Your guess is as good as mine.
ex. I don't know what happened here. Your guess is as good as mine.
Tips on How to Speak Effectively in Public
How can we speak effectively in public?
1. We should look our best. We should be pleasant-looking, and I’m not only referring to our clothes but our faces and gestures as well.
2. We should know how to stress our point. We ought to know when to stay silent, when to pause, when to speak loudly, when to whisper, when to speak fast, when to slow down, etc. or else we would sound monotonous and the main points of our speech would not be understood or remembered well.
3. We should talk to the listeners not just with our lips but our eyes too. We should be looking at our listeners. Don’t just focus on one though. Look from left to right or right to left slowly; look at nearly everyone. Look them in the eyes, try to see if they understand your point. Let’s not look at trees or the stage’s ceiling or floor. We are talking to the people, so it’s them we ought to look at.
4. We should use our gestures well. We don’t want the audience to be distracted with our unnecessary movements while we talk. Our gestures should be governed by what we say and what we want to point out.
5. We should use appropriate language. Speak with simplicity and sincerity. Speak your audience’s language, meaning, make your language appropriate for their level of understanding and appreciation.
6. We should connect to our listeners. Let’s not speak as if we’re on a stage in an empty hall. We should talk to them. Some speakers even go to the point of going down the stage and talking to individuals, making the audience feel that they are important and that it’s not a one-way communication speech. We don’t always have to do this. I would just like to point out that speakers who make their audience feel that he is not the center of attention but them (the listeners) win their respect more.
7. We should believe in what we are saying. If we don’t sound convinced by what we say, we can’t expect anyone to believe it. In the first place, there’s no need to be shy when asked to speak in public because the fact that you are asked to speak to the audience already means that you have authority in that area you will be talking about, and that those people already believe in you to begin with. So, let’s prove them right and not waste their trust.
English Trainer
2. We should know how to stress our point. We ought to know when to stay silent, when to pause, when to speak loudly, when to whisper, when to speak fast, when to slow down, etc. or else we would sound monotonous and the main points of our speech would not be understood or remembered well.
3. We should talk to the listeners not just with our lips but our eyes too. We should be looking at our listeners. Don’t just focus on one though. Look from left to right or right to left slowly; look at nearly everyone. Look them in the eyes, try to see if they understand your point. Let’s not look at trees or the stage’s ceiling or floor. We are talking to the people, so it’s them we ought to look at.
4. We should use our gestures well. We don’t want the audience to be distracted with our unnecessary movements while we talk. Our gestures should be governed by what we say and what we want to point out.
5. We should use appropriate language. Speak with simplicity and sincerity. Speak your audience’s language, meaning, make your language appropriate for their level of understanding and appreciation.
6. We should connect to our listeners. Let’s not speak as if we’re on a stage in an empty hall. We should talk to them. Some speakers even go to the point of going down the stage and talking to individuals, making the audience feel that they are important and that it’s not a one-way communication speech. We don’t always have to do this. I would just like to point out that speakers who make their audience feel that he is not the center of attention but them (the listeners) win their respect more.
7. We should believe in what we are saying. If we don’t sound convinced by what we say, we can’t expect anyone to believe it. In the first place, there’s no need to be shy when asked to speak in public because the fact that you are asked to speak to the audience already means that you have authority in that area you will be talking about, and that those people already believe in you to begin with. So, let’s prove them right and not waste their trust.
English Trainer
Tips on How to Speak Effectively in Public
How can we speak effectively in public?
1. We should look our best. We should be pleasant-looking, and I’m not only referring to our clothes but our faces and gestures as well.
2. We should know how to stress our point. We ought to know when to stay silent, when to pause, when to speak loudly, when to whisper, when to speak fast, when to slow down, etc. or else we would sound monotonous and the main points of our speech would not be understood or remembered well.
3. We should talk to the listeners not just with our lips but our eyes too. We should be looking at our listeners. Don’t just focus on one though. Look from left to right or right to left slowly; look at nearly everyone. Look them in the eyes, try to see if they understand your point. Let’s not look at trees or the stage’s ceiling or floor. We are talking to the people, so it’s them we ought to look at.
4. We should use our gestures well. We don’t want the audience to be distracted with our unnecessary movements while we talk. Our gestures should be governed by what we say and what we want to point out.
5. We should use appropriate language. Speak with simplicity and sincerity. Speak your audience’s language, meaning, make your language appropriate for their level of understanding and appreciation.
6. We should connect to our listeners. Let’s not speak as if we’re on a stage in an empty hall. We should talk to them. Some speakers even go to the point of going down the stage and talking to individuals, making the audience feel that they are important and that it’s not a one-way communication speech. We don’t always have to do this. I would just like to point out that speakers who make their audience feel that he is not the center of attention but them (the listeners) win their respect more.
7. We should believe in what we are saying. If we don’t sound convinced by what we say, we can’t expect anyone to believe it. In the first place, there’s no need to be shy when asked to speak in public because the fact that you are asked to speak to the audience already means that you have authority in that area you will be talking about, and that those people already believe in you to begin with. So, let’s prove them right and not waste their trust.
English Trainer
2. We should know how to stress our point. We ought to know when to stay silent, when to pause, when to speak loudly, when to whisper, when to speak fast, when to slow down, etc. or else we would sound monotonous and the main points of our speech would not be understood or remembered well.
3. We should talk to the listeners not just with our lips but our eyes too. We should be looking at our listeners. Don’t just focus on one though. Look from left to right or right to left slowly; look at nearly everyone. Look them in the eyes, try to see if they understand your point. Let’s not look at trees or the stage’s ceiling or floor. We are talking to the people, so it’s them we ought to look at.
4. We should use our gestures well. We don’t want the audience to be distracted with our unnecessary movements while we talk. Our gestures should be governed by what we say and what we want to point out.
5. We should use appropriate language. Speak with simplicity and sincerity. Speak your audience’s language, meaning, make your language appropriate for their level of understanding and appreciation.
6. We should connect to our listeners. Let’s not speak as if we’re on a stage in an empty hall. We should talk to them. Some speakers even go to the point of going down the stage and talking to individuals, making the audience feel that they are important and that it’s not a one-way communication speech. We don’t always have to do this. I would just like to point out that speakers who make their audience feel that he is not the center of attention but them (the listeners) win their respect more.
7. We should believe in what we are saying. If we don’t sound convinced by what we say, we can’t expect anyone to believe it. In the first place, there’s no need to be shy when asked to speak in public because the fact that you are asked to speak to the audience already means that you have authority in that area you will be talking about, and that those people already believe in you to begin with. So, let’s prove them right and not waste their trust.
English Trainer
Idiom of the Week
when pigs fly - something that will never ever happen.
ex. I will marry him when pigs fly.
ex. I will marry him when pigs fly.
Idiom of the Week
when pigs fly - something that will never ever happen.
ex. I will marry him when pigs fly.
ex. I will marry him when pigs fly.
Phrasal Verb of the Day
mark off
Meaning: If you mark off items on a list, you mark each one after you've dealt with it.
For example:
- mark off sth Check the guest list and mark off each person's name when they arrive.
- mark sth off Bingo players each have a card with numbers on it and if one of their numbers is called out, they mark it off.
Phrasal Verb of the Day
mark off
Meaning: If you mark off items on a list, you mark each one after you've dealt with it.
For example:
- mark off sth Check the guest list and mark off each person's name when they arrive.
- mark sth off Bingo players each have a card with numbers on it and if one of their numbers is called out, they mark it off.
Food for thought
Achieving the success you desire, maintaining the health and body you
really want, and attracting the money and relationships you know you
deserve are all being ruled by the language of your mind.
But, do you speak the language of your mind?
The language of success is NOT the mental language
of beating yourself up, dwelling on the past and worrying about the future.
The mental language of success is a positive state of mind that is
conditioned to stay on track in the face of hardship.
Food for thought
Achieving the success you desire, maintaining the health and body you
really want, and attracting the money and relationships you know you
deserve are all being ruled by the language of your mind.
But, do you speak the language of your mind?
The language of success is NOT the mental language
of beating yourself up, dwelling on the past and worrying about the future.
The mental language of success is a positive state of mind that is
conditioned to stay on track in the face of hardship.
Laughter really is the best medicine — Lower blood sugar, ease pain and boost health with a daily dose of mirth
A young child can laugh over 300 times a day whereas an adult will chuckle a fraction of this amount — often much less, if at all. It’s no joke. When life is taken too seriously, we are missing out on one of the greatest health boosting habits around. Feel good endorphins, pain management, lower blood pressure, protection from illness, a sharper mind — just a few perks a little mirth can supply. Laughter makes people smarter, more productive, and some would say, sexier. Read more
Laughter really is the best medicine — Lower blood sugar, ease pain and boost health with a daily dose of mirth
A young child can laugh over 300 times a day whereas an adult will chuckle a fraction of this amount — often much less, if at all. It’s no joke. When life is taken too seriously, we are missing out on one of the greatest health boosting habits around. Feel good endorphins, pain management, lower blood pressure, protection from illness, a sharper mind — just a few perks a little mirth can supply. Laughter makes people smarter, more productive, and some would say, sexier. Read more
The Ways of Preventing IBS Bloating & Stomach Gas
Millions of people are already experiencing IBS bloating & stomach gas. The feeling of being bloated or puffy causes one to be restless. Oftentimes, bloating occurs over a festive season or after a big event. But for some individuals, stomach gas is more than an intermittent inconvenience.
Have a butcher´s at this article in this interesting website
Have a butcher´s at this article in this interesting website
The Ways of Preventing IBS Bloating & Stomach Gas
Millions of people are already experiencing IBS bloating & stomach gas. The feeling of being bloated or puffy causes one to be restless. Oftentimes, bloating occurs over a festive season or after a big event. But for some individuals, stomach gas is more than an intermittent inconvenience.
Have a butcher´s at this article in this interesting website
Have a butcher´s at this article in this interesting website
Phrasal Verbs
Add up to(=conllevar, dar como resultado)
Meaning: Have a certain result
Example: Trains delays are getting worse and with the high fares, it all ADDS UP TO misery for the commuters.
Meaning: Have a certain result
Example: Trains delays are getting worse and with the high fares, it all ADDS UP TO misery for the commuters.
Add up:(=sumar)
Meaning: To make a mathematical total
Example: We ADDED UP the bill to check it was correct.
Meaning: To make a mathematical total
Example: We ADDED UP the bill to check it was correct.
Add on(=añadir)
Meaning: Include in a calculation
Example: You have to ADD the VAT ON to the price they give.
Meaning: Include in a calculation
Example: You have to ADD the VAT ON to the price they give.
Phrasal Verbs
Add up to(=conllevar, dar como resultado)
Meaning: Have a certain result
Example: Trains delays are getting worse and with the high fares, it all ADDS UP TO misery for the commuters.
Meaning: Have a certain result
Example: Trains delays are getting worse and with the high fares, it all ADDS UP TO misery for the commuters.
Add up:(=sumar)
Meaning: To make a mathematical total
Example: We ADDED UP the bill to check it was correct.
Meaning: To make a mathematical total
Example: We ADDED UP the bill to check it was correct.
Add on(=añadir)
Meaning: Include in a calculation
Example: You have to ADD the VAT ON to the price they give.
Meaning: Include in a calculation
Example: You have to ADD the VAT ON to the price they give.
THREE foods to STOP eating for rapid fatloss
Do you want to start losing flab very quickly? You don't have to count calories or follow some complicated diet plan; all you have to do is cut out these 3 foods from your diet for the next few weeks:
1. Processed foods. If it comes in a box or a package with a laundry list of ingredients, eliminate it. Instead, concentrate on eating mostly whole, natural foods.
2. Soft drinks, juice, and other sweetened beverages. Drinks sweetened with sugar or high fructose corn syrup actually increase your hunger while feeding you loads of empty calories.
3. Alcohol. Alcohol is calorie dense and further wreaks havoc on your fat burning hormones, increasing your belly fat and making it harder for you to lose that pesky flab.
Want to get a flat belly fast? Simply follow the above 3 rules. You will automatically eliminate a massive amount of calories from your diet and you'll still be able to eat until you're full while achieving rapid results. Put them in place today!
Josh Bezoni & Joel Marion
Founders, BioTrust Nutritio
1. Processed foods. If it comes in a box or a package with a laundry list of ingredients, eliminate it. Instead, concentrate on eating mostly whole, natural foods.
2. Soft drinks, juice, and other sweetened beverages. Drinks sweetened with sugar or high fructose corn syrup actually increase your hunger while feeding you loads of empty calories.
3. Alcohol. Alcohol is calorie dense and further wreaks havoc on your fat burning hormones, increasing your belly fat and making it harder for you to lose that pesky flab.
Want to get a flat belly fast? Simply follow the above 3 rules. You will automatically eliminate a massive amount of calories from your diet and you'll still be able to eat until you're full while achieving rapid results. Put them in place today!
Josh Bezoni & Joel Marion
Founders, BioTrust Nutritio
THREE foods to STOP eating for rapid fatloss
Do you want to start losing flab very quickly? You don't have to count calories or follow some complicated diet plan; all you have to do is cut out these 3 foods from your diet for the next few weeks:
1. Processed foods. If it comes in a box or a package with a laundry list of ingredients, eliminate it. Instead, concentrate on eating mostly whole, natural foods.
2. Soft drinks, juice, and other sweetened beverages. Drinks sweetened with sugar or high fructose corn syrup actually increase your hunger while feeding you loads of empty calories.
3. Alcohol. Alcohol is calorie dense and further wreaks havoc on your fat burning hormones, increasing your belly fat and making it harder for you to lose that pesky flab.
Want to get a flat belly fast? Simply follow the above 3 rules. You will automatically eliminate a massive amount of calories from your diet and you'll still be able to eat until you're full while achieving rapid results. Put them in place today!
Josh Bezoni & Joel Marion
Founders, BioTrust Nutritio
1. Processed foods. If it comes in a box or a package with a laundry list of ingredients, eliminate it. Instead, concentrate on eating mostly whole, natural foods.
2. Soft drinks, juice, and other sweetened beverages. Drinks sweetened with sugar or high fructose corn syrup actually increase your hunger while feeding you loads of empty calories.
3. Alcohol. Alcohol is calorie dense and further wreaks havoc on your fat burning hormones, increasing your belly fat and making it harder for you to lose that pesky flab.
Want to get a flat belly fast? Simply follow the above 3 rules. You will automatically eliminate a massive amount of calories from your diet and you'll still be able to eat until you're full while achieving rapid results. Put them in place today!
Josh Bezoni & Joel Marion
Founders, BioTrust Nutritio
Revealed, the sleepy country town that has been named the Viagra capital of England.
NHS figures reveal Coleshill is officially the Viagra capital of England with more men taking anti-impotence drugs than in any other part of the country. Mail
Revealed, the sleepy country town that has been named the Viagra capital of England.
NHS figures reveal Coleshill is officially the Viagra capital of England with more men taking anti-impotence drugs than in any other part of the country. Mail
Children of nine and beyond 'need bedtime stories' to boost academic achievement - but fewer than ever are read to at night
A study found a sharp decline in the numbers of parents reading bedtime stories after their children had begun to master books themselves. Mail
Children of nine and beyond 'need bedtime stories' to boost academic achievement - but fewer than ever are read to at night
A study found a sharp decline in the numbers of parents reading bedtime stories after their children had begun to master books themselves. Mail
PP would lose two-thirds of voter base in elections today
Only one in three of 2011 supporters backs government as poll share plummets to 23 percent. El País
PP would lose two-thirds of voter base in elections today
Only one in three of 2011 supporters backs government as poll share plummets to 23 percent. El País
Great drain robbery: police bust gang who used sewer system to rob banks
Father-and-son team would break in through tunnels and then lie in wait. El Pais
Great drain robbery: police bust gang who used sewer system to rob banks
Father-and-son team would break in through tunnels and then lie in wait. El Pais
Avocado Salad Recipe.
You absolutely won't believe how delicious this Avocado salad recipe is and also very easy to make. The texture of the avocados mixes wonderfully with onion and lettuce. I would love to suggest you to enjoy this salad recipe with your dinner meal.
Preparation method
- Slice the avocados and onion. Set aside.
- Break the lettuce into small pieces and put them in a large salad bowl. Top with avocado slices and decorate with onion slices over.
- Prepare the dressing, get the blender or food processor, and add olive oil, lime juice, vinegar, salt and pepper. Work on a processor to blend ingredients well. Spread over the prepared salad and serve with meal.
Avocado Salad Recipe.
You absolutely won't believe how delicious this Avocado salad recipe is and also very easy to make. The texture of the avocados mixes wonderfully with onion and lettuce. I would love to suggest you to enjoy this salad recipe with your dinner meal.
Preparation method
- Slice the avocados and onion. Set aside.
- Break the lettuce into small pieces and put them in a large salad bowl. Top with avocado slices and decorate with onion slices over.
- Prepare the dressing, get the blender or food processor, and add olive oil, lime juice, vinegar, salt and pepper. Work on a processor to blend ingredients well. Spread over the prepared salad and serve with meal.
Yoga or the Gym 5 Reasons why the Former is Better
Yoga or gym: Which one is better? We’ll give you five reasons why yoga is great for health and overall well-being. Lifting weight can sometimes be injurious for you. Carrying excess weight or doing moves like dead-lifts can stretch body muscle, strain that particular area or even tear delicate tissues or muscles. While yoga across the board is all about mind-body coordination, maintaining focus and balancing body.
Yoga or the Gym 5 Reasons why the Former is Better
Yoga or gym: Which one is better? We’ll give you five reasons why yoga is great for health and overall well-being. Lifting weight can sometimes be injurious for you. Carrying excess weight or doing moves like dead-lifts can stretch body muscle, strain that particular area or even tear delicate tissues or muscles. While yoga across the board is all about mind-body coordination, maintaining focus and balancing body.
What are the Benefits of Kundalini Yoga?
The physical kundalini yoga postures can be quite demanding, but that is not all that kundalini yoga has to offer. If you are considering the option of joining a kundalini yoga class, keep in mind that the spiritual component of kundalini yoga is quite a prominent one. Kundalini yoga focuses on meditation, mudras, chanting and breathing techniques just as much as it focuses on physical strength and endurance. The kundalini yoga benefits mirror both the components (physical and spiritual) of this yoga form!
- Improved digestive health.
- Improved overall physical well-being.
- Clarity of thought and greater mental alertness.
- Free flow of inner happiness and contentment.
- Greater peace of mind, and the ability to stay calm and composed in emotionally charged situations.
- Awakening of spirituality, and an improved sense of self-awareness.
- Improved reserves of energy, strength, stamina and endurance
Read more: http://www.fitnessrepublic.com/yogatypes/7-awesome-benefits-of-kundalini-yoga.html#ixzz2drJWsAjs
What are the Benefits of Kundalini Yoga?
The physical kundalini yoga postures can be quite demanding, but that is not all that kundalini yoga has to offer. If you are considering the option of joining a kundalini yoga class, keep in mind that the spiritual component of kundalini yoga is quite a prominent one. Kundalini yoga focuses on meditation, mudras, chanting and breathing techniques just as much as it focuses on physical strength and endurance. The kundalini yoga benefits mirror both the components (physical and spiritual) of this yoga form!
- Improved digestive health.
- Improved overall physical well-being.
- Clarity of thought and greater mental alertness.
- Free flow of inner happiness and contentment.
- Greater peace of mind, and the ability to stay calm and composed in emotionally charged situations.
- Awakening of spirituality, and an improved sense of self-awareness.
- Improved reserves of energy, strength, stamina and endurance
Read more: http://www.fitnessrepublic.com/yogatypes/7-awesome-benefits-of-kundalini-yoga.html#ixzz2drJWsAjs
Eating fatty fish weekly can cut risk of rheumatoid arthritis
In a study published Monday in the Annals of Rheumatic Diseases, the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm found that the omega-3 fatty acids in fish can cut the risk of chronic inflammatory disease by 52.
Eating fatty fish weekly can cut risk of rheumatoid arthritis
In a study published Monday in the Annals of Rheumatic Diseases, the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm found that the omega-3 fatty acids in fish can cut the risk of chronic inflammatory disease by 52.
A glass of wine a day may be good for mental health, Spanish study finds
Researchers find people who drink two to seven glasses of wine a week are less prone to depression.

The research, part of the broader Predimed report on the Mediterranean diet, followed 5,500 light to moderate drinkers of both sexes over a period of seven years and found that those who drank two to seven glasses of wine a week were less prone to depression than non-drinkers. The findings, published in BMC Medicine, remained significant even when other factors such as smoking, diet and marital status were taken into account. The results were the same for men and women
The guardian.
The research, part of the broader Predimed report on the Mediterranean diet, followed 5,500 light to moderate drinkers of both sexes over a period of seven years and found that those who drank two to seven glasses of wine a week were less prone to depression than non-drinkers. The findings, published in BMC Medicine, remained significant even when other factors such as smoking, diet and marital status were taken into account. The results were the same for men and women
The guardian.
A glass of wine a day may be good for mental health, Spanish study finds
Researchers find people who drink two to seven glasses of wine a week are less prone to depression.

The research, part of the broader Predimed report on the Mediterranean diet, followed 5,500 light to moderate drinkers of both sexes over a period of seven years and found that those who drank two to seven glasses of wine a week were less prone to depression than non-drinkers. The findings, published in BMC Medicine, remained significant even when other factors such as smoking, diet and marital status were taken into account. The results were the same for men and women
The guardian.
The research, part of the broader Predimed report on the Mediterranean diet, followed 5,500 light to moderate drinkers of both sexes over a period of seven years and found that those who drank two to seven glasses of wine a week were less prone to depression than non-drinkers. The findings, published in BMC Medicine, remained significant even when other factors such as smoking, diet and marital status were taken into account. The results were the same for men and women
The guardian.
Are coffee's health claims all froth - or will it leave you full of beans
- Britons spend £730million per year on coffee
- Coffee has been found to lower risk of diabetes and liver cancer
- Study show drinking three cups a day reduced the risk of Alzheimer's
Are coffee's health claims all froth - or will it leave you full of beans
- Britons spend £730million per year on coffee
- Coffee has been found to lower risk of diabetes and liver cancer
- Study show drinking three cups a day reduced the risk of Alzheimer's
Rock residents claim Spanish media is painting them in a bad light
"If Spain wants to take the dispute to court, that's music to our ears"(= lo que esperábamos escuchar)
In the midst of the current diplomatic spat between Spain and the United Kingdom over Gibraltar, are the voices of ordinary people on and around the Rock being ignored? EL PAÍS visited the British colony and found that views on the disagreement were mixed, but that there was an overwhelming feeling that the way the media has been presenting the problems does not necessarily reflect the reality.
Read more
In the midst of the current diplomatic spat between Spain and the United Kingdom over Gibraltar, are the voices of ordinary people on and around the Rock being ignored? EL PAÍS visited the British colony and found that views on the disagreement were mixed, but that there was an overwhelming feeling that the way the media has been presenting the problems does not necessarily reflect the reality.
Read more
Rock residents claim Spanish media is painting them in a bad light
"If Spain wants to take the dispute to court, that's music to our ears"(= lo que esperábamos escuchar)
In the midst of the current diplomatic spat between Spain and the United Kingdom over Gibraltar, are the voices of ordinary people on and around the Rock being ignored? EL PAÍS visited the British colony and found that views on the disagreement were mixed, but that there was an overwhelming feeling that the way the media has been presenting the problems does not necessarily reflect the reality.
Read more
In the midst of the current diplomatic spat between Spain and the United Kingdom over Gibraltar, are the voices of ordinary people on and around the Rock being ignored? EL PAÍS visited the British colony and found that views on the disagreement were mixed, but that there was an overwhelming feeling that the way the media has been presenting the problems does not necessarily reflect the reality.
Read more
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