What should I take paracetamol for?

Stillbirth risk rises when an expectant mother sleeps on her back: Position puts more stress on the unborn child because it reduces its oxygen consumption
9 ways to beat the winter blues and avoid getting SAD
These are the commonly ignored health symptoms that we should ALWAYS check up on
According to medical professionals involved in the study, the most commonly ignored symptoms which should ALWAYS be checked out, are a persistent cough lasting over three weeks (20 percent of Brits have ignored), changes in urinary or bowel movements (19 percent) and persistent headaches and blurring of vision (14 percent). The research also found 11 percent of women have put off seeing a doctor after discovering a lump in their breast, while 9 percent of British men have not seen a doctor after finding a testicular lump. Mirror
Keep calm...and carry on breathing: The simple exercises that can alleviate pain and help sufferers cope with anxiety, stress and depression
For thousands of years, people have used simple breathing exercises that can have profound effects on the mind and body and help sufferers cope with anxiety, stress and depression. Mirror
Alzheimer's disease: The six foods YOU should eat to REDUCE risk of condition
EATING a healthy diet can protect the organs in the body but it can also reduce the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease. Eat: Blueberries, Eggs, Ginger, Wholegrain foods, Nuts, Oily fish. Read more
Need to lower your blood pressure? Eating a handful of THESE could have an amazing effect
EATING cashew nuts could lower blood pressure naturally, reducing the risk of life-threatening health conditions such as heart attacks.The nuts contain high levels of magnesium and potassium - which are essential elements in the human body.
Magnesium helps keep heart rhythm steady, is vital for healthy bones and teeth, muscle function, the nervous system and keeps bowels healthy. Express
Ankylosing Spondylitis and fibromyalgia: Woman describes treatment 'life-changing'
A WOMAN who suffers from debilitating illnesses Ankylosing Spondylitis and Fibromyalgia has found a way of easing her pain which she has described as 'life-changing'.Ankylosing spondylitis (AS) is a chronic condition in which the spine and other areas of the body become inflamed.But she has since tried out a vibration training platform which she said has improved her symptoms. READ MORE
Donald Trump IS the next US President after stunning election win over shell-shocked Hillary Clinton
Donald Trump IS the next US President after stunning election win over shell-shocked Hillary Clinton
Desperate to lower your cholesterol? FORGET statins..THIS everyday food has amazing effect
In fact, experts have found garlic can boost sex drive and contains antioxidants which protect the function of the brain. EXPRESS
Nine foods to boost fertility: This diet could help you get pregnant
EATING the right food and following the right diet can dramatically increase the chances of healthy ovulation, support a healthy pregnancy but most of all increase fertility. The nutritionist recommended people looking to get pregnant could avoid soya beans, high gluten grains such as wheat and even some low fat products. She also recommended people should reduce their intake of sugar, which means many processed foods and soft drink should be eliminated from the diet. “A bad diet, being overweight or obese, smoking, drinking and unhealthy working conditions can affect the quality of sperm and stop you getting pregnant.
Are you TOO stressed? 10 signs your stress levels are too high... and 11 ways to beat it .
How Negative Emotions Affect Your Health
Negative emotions, including the ones we take for granted, such as anxiety, fear, frustration, envy, and doubt can affect your health to a great degree. Certain occurrences in life, such as getting fired from the job, experiencing monetary problems, going through a tumultuous marriage, or coping with the death of a loved one, can wreak havoc on one’s mental and emotional state and in turn take a toll on the body.
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