5 Health Myths We live by

1. Vitamins can make you live longer—False: Vitamins will not extend your life according to a recent study. In fact, they may lead to an early death. A study done by Copenhagen University found that taking Vitamin A was tied to a 16% rise in premature death.

2. You will get a cold if you stay out in the cold— False: Colds are the result of viruses and though there are enough variations to give you over 200 versions of a cold, you do not contract them just because of the cold. Best way to stay clear of a cold? Wash your hands.

3. Reading in dim lights ruins your eyesight— False: Reading in dark lighting is annoying and at most will give you temporary eye strain but it will not give you any negative long term effects.

4. Eggs will raise your cholesterol— False: Recent studies have actually found that it is safe to eat eggs every day and your cholesterol will remain okay.

5. Swimming after eating is dangerous— False: There is absolutely no medical evidence to support this

All facts stated above have been proven by scientific studies.

5 Health Myths We live by

1. Vitamins can make you live longer—False: Vitamins will not extend your life according to a recent study. In fact, they may lead to an early death. A study done by Copenhagen University found that taking Vitamin A was tied to a 16% rise in premature death.

2. You will get a cold if you stay out in the cold— False: Colds are the result of viruses and though there are enough variations to give you over 200 versions of a cold, you do not contract them just because of the cold. Best way to stay clear of a cold? Wash your hands.

3. Reading in dim lights ruins your eyesight— False: Reading in dark lighting is annoying and at most will give you temporary eye strain but it will not give you any negative long term effects.

4. Eggs will raise your cholesterol— False: Recent studies have actually found that it is safe to eat eggs every day and your cholesterol will remain okay.

5. Swimming after eating is dangerous— False: There is absolutely no medical evidence to support this

All facts stated above have been proven by scientific studies.


Drink THIS First Thing in the Morning:

Immediately upon waking each day, squeeze about 1/2 to 1 full lemon (depending on size of the lemon) into an 8 oz glass of warm or room temperature purified water.  This is gentler on your body first thing in the morning compared to ice cold water.  I've found that slicing the lemon into quarters before squeezing by hand is easier than squeezing halves.

This daily trick can help you detoxify, improve your digestion and boost your metabolism & energy levels. Keep reading

Drink THIS First Thing in the Morning:

Immediately upon waking each day, squeeze about 1/2 to 1 full lemon (depending on size of the lemon) into an 8 oz glass of warm or room temperature purified water.  This is gentler on your body first thing in the morning compared to ice cold water.  I've found that slicing the lemon into quarters before squeezing by hand is easier than squeezing halves.

This daily trick can help you detoxify, improve your digestion and boost your metabolism & energy levels. Keep reading

Quote of the Day