Gout diet: Forget the foods to avoid - here's how much you can REALLY drink

how much alcohol you can drink if you suffer with goutGOUT is a condition often associated with a rich diet - and people often question what they should be eating and drinking to avoid painful gout. Research has revealed men who drink more than two drinks a day could increase their chance of getting gout.“It is also a good idea to cut back on alcohol, as too much increases uric acid production and reduces your body’s ability to get rid of it - especially beer, which is itself rich in purines.” People should reduce their intake of uric acid-forming foods, such as liver, kidney and other organ meats (offal), shellfish, game, meats (especially beef, pork or lamb) and yeast extracts.“Apples contain malic acid, which helps to keep uric acid in solution so it is easily flushed from the body. Express


7 Health Benefits Of Pumpkin (Improves vision,weight loss, heart health,cancer cells & more

Eating ‘miracle’ vegetable BROCCOLI three times a week cuts cancer risk and THIS is why

Woman eating broccoli

EATING broccoli three or four times a week can protect against cancer because of health-boosting compounds in the vegetable - according to experts.Jack Juvik, University of Illinois geneticist, said: "Phenolic compounds have good antioxidant activity, and there is increasing evidence that this antioxidant activity affects biochemical pathways affiliated with inflammation in mammals. READ MORE


Why popping a spot could KILL you: Dermatologist reveals 'danger zone' where any infection can spread to the brain

Dermatologist Dr Vishal Maden, from Salford, said infections caused by picking spots from the bridge of the nose to the corners of the mouth, could lead to vision loss, paralysis or even death. READ MORE


Coffee really CAN help to prevent dementia: Just two cups a day 'cuts the risk of developing it by 36 per cent'

Women over the age of 65 who consumed 261 milligrams of caffeine each day were less likely to develop dementia, researchers from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee found. Read more


Benefits of Cinnamon and Pepper

Cinnamon and black pepperAs for cinnamon, it’s one of the richest sources of antioxidants. I love it because it reduces inflammation and lowers blood sugar and triglyceride levels. It’s also a good source of manganese, iron, and calcium. Read more

rubrics english assessment

Michelle Prytula from the College of Education at the University of Saskatchewan discusses assessing using rubrics. This is part of our Course Design video series.