Nine foods to boost fertility: This diet could help you get pregnant

Food for fertility: Nine foods to boost conceptionEATING the right food and following the right diet can dramatically increase the chances of healthy ovulation, support a healthy pregnancy but most of all increase fertility. The nutritionist recommended people looking to get pregnant could avoid soya beans, high gluten grains such as wheat and even some low fat products. She also recommended people should reduce their intake of sugar, which means many processed foods and soft drink should be eliminated from the diet. “A bad diet, being overweight or obese, smoking, drinking and unhealthy working conditions can affect the quality of sperm and stop you getting pregnant.

Are you TOO stressed? 10 signs your stress levels are too high... and 11 ways to beat it .

The average adult spends two hours and 11 minutes every day feeling stressed, a study foundThe average adult spends two hours and 11 minutes of every day feeling stressed, according to a survey by OnePoll. That amounts to 15 hours a week, 33 days a year, and five hours in a lifetime. Read More


How Negative Emotions Affect Your Health

Negative emotions, including the ones we take for granted, such as anxiety, fear, frustration, envy, and doubt can affect your health to a great degree. Certain occurrences in life, such as getting fired from the job, experiencing monetary problems, going through a tumultuous marriage, or coping with the death of a loved one, can wreak havoc on one’s mental and emotional state and in turn take a toll on the body.


Best food to increase your sex drive: How eggs and almonds can BOOST a flagging libido.

How to increase your sex driveThere are a number of reasons why your sex life may have lost it's sizzle but you can help put the va-va-voom back into the bedroom with these lust-inducing foods. READ MORE


Cannabis users five times more like to develop schizophrenia than someone who has never smoked it.

Regular cannabis users are more than five times more likely to develop a serious mental disorder
Danish researchers trawled more than 3.1million people’s medical records to ascertain the link between cannabis use and schizophrenia.Regular cannabis users are more than five times more likely to develop a serious mental disorder.

Cannabis creates a greater mental health risk than any other substance, including class A drugs, scientists have found. Mailonline

Pensioners can boost their brain power 'by building up their muscle strength'

pensioner brain power muscles boost health research

BUILDING up muscles boosts brain power as well as physical power for pensioners, according to a new study. The new findings, published in the Journal of American Geriatrics, show, for the first time, a “positive causal link” between muscle adaptations to progressive resistance training and the functioning of the brain among people over 55 with MCI. Doctor Mavros said: “The more we can get people doing resistance training like weight lifting, the more likely we are to have a healthier ageing population. READ MORE