Covid treatment: Vitamin D has shown to help reduce serious fatalities by 60 percent

COVID treatment: There has been many studies and talks regarding the efficacy of vitamin D and its effectiveness at reducing serious fatalities from COVID-19. “In this open randomised study conducted during the first European outbreak of the deadly Covid-19 pandemic, we have observed that, in hospitalised Covid-19 patients, treatment with calcifediol reduced the requirement for critical care by more than 80 per cent. In addition, it has a number of other very positive effects on the immune system and lung function which could be crucial in the fight against COVID-19. Express


Weight loss: Drinking apple cider vinegar like this can help shed belly fat

The expert said: “Many studies have shown that apple cider vinegar can help you to lose weight, provided you consume it in the correct and safe way.Adding one-two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar to a glass of water each morning before you consume any food or drink may help you to lose weight quicker, it can also reduce your body fat percentage, help you lose belly fat and decrease your blood triglycerides.EExpress


The first Rule of Happiness. – Stop Feeling Sorry for Yourself!

 “Self-pity is our worst enemy and if we yield

to it, we can never do anything wise in

this world.” - Helen Keller

Everybody enjoys wallowing in a little self-pity. It feels great to remind ourselves how terrible the world is. How we’ve not been given the right opportunities. How people are against us. How life has been a real struggle this past year.


 Snap at someone: to speak sharply or angrily to someone

Don't snap at me.

This teacher was always snapping at the children

Note: snap transfers an animal's sudden bite at something to a verbal attack. 


How to live longer: The best vegetables to boost life expectancy

The NHS encourages people to eat 'five-a-day', but which vegetables are the most nutritious? If you're struggling to meet this minimum health requirement, here are some tips to get the vitamins and minerals your body needs. Express


How to live longer: Matcha green tea turmeric smoothies are known to help boost longevity


Turmeric is also anti-inflammatory, used for pain relief, has antioxidant effects (which are good for the liver), improves brain function, plays a role in digestion, and so much more. 

One tablespoon of turmeric contains 26 percent of one’s daily manganese needs, 16 percent of iron needs, five percent of daily potassium and three percent of daily vitamin C. 

So together, the turmeric and green tea make this smoothie an antioxidant powerhouse.  Express


Arthritis treatment: The surprising Christmas treat that could ease your joint pain

It is said that ginger, in theory, could "reduce the activity of several chemical substances that promote joint inflammation". The charity cites three clinical trials which have noted the the beneficial effects ginger can in reducing pain and disability. Express