Arthritis may NOT be due to 'wear and tear': High-fibre diets reduce your risk of developing the condition by up to 61%

Researchers from Tuft University, Boston and the University of Manchester compared those with the highest daily fibre intake to those consuming the lowest amounts.
  • High-fibre intakes also appear to prevent existing knee pain from getting worse 
  • Fibre is found in high amounts in brown rice, potato skins and other vegetables
  • These findings may debunk the theory that arthritis occurs due to 'wear and tear' as damaged cartilage is unable to properly repair itself. 
  • Arthritis UK warn more research is needed to assess high-fibre diets' benefits. Mail


Phrasal Verbs with BRING

La meditación aumenta un 7% la materia gris del cerebro

La materia gris es la parte del cerebro donde se encuentran los núcleos de las neuronas. Con el avance de la edad, la materia gris disminuye, y por tanto el tener más materia gris equivale a cerebros más jóvenes.Muchas enfermedades como el Alzheimer, el Parkinson o la depresión llevan asociadas pérdida de materia gris en diferentes zonas. READ MORE

How a pot belly is a red flag for cancer: Increased waist size raises the odds of getting the disease even if the rest of your body is slim, say health officials

Scientists at the WHO International Agency for Research on Cancer found adding 11cm to the waistline increases the risk of developing a group of obesity-linked cancers by 13 per cent. Waist size is  tied to 10 cancers - bowel, lower oesophagus, upper stomach, liver, gallbladder, pancreas, womb, ovaries, kidneys and postmenopausal breasts. MAIL

Drinking coffee reduces your risk of developing liver cancer by up to 50

  • Drinking one cup of coffee a day lowers your liver cancer risk by 20%
  • Two coffee cups reduces your risk of developing the disease by 35%
  • Decaffeinated options have a protective effect but to a lesser extent
  • Researchers say more research is needed to determine its health effects. Mail


Couch potato warning: Sitting around for TWO weeks raises diabetes and heart disease risk

Heart disease diabetes lazy activity exercise risk
Experts discovered that as little as 14 days spent sitting around reduces our muscle mass, increases body fat and raises the potential for high cholesterol.
And they warned that taking at least 10,000 steps a day - widely regarded as a target for maintaining good health - should be something people strive for to avoid the risk of disease.
“Our day-to-day physical activity is key to abstaining from disease and health complications. People must avoid sitting for long periods of time.” EXPRESS

Colon cancer cure? Scientists say eating ALMONDS could be as good as chemotherapy

AlmondsIt’s thought a minimum of a couple of handfuls of tree nuts per day did the trick.Tree nuts include cashews, almonds, walnuts, pecans, pistachios and macadamias and brazil nuts.They found patients were much less likely to experience their cancer returning, or to die from the cancer, than those who didn’t eat nuts. EXPRESS