At present I am focussed on the cognitive and cultural study of the phrasal verbs trying to link both the literal and metaphorical meaning. There is an underlying mental image that permeates the different linguistic expressions that come from our daily contact with reality and is the base to understand and master the meaning of the constructions with particles. This approach is helping students to understand and extend the use of these verbs without the effort of memorising every sense of the Phrasal verb.
Catedrático de inglés IES. Doctor en Filosofía y Letras en Ministerio de Educación
Trabajó como lector en la Universidad de Bristol. Desde 1978 en el I.E.S Al-Andalus, de Almeria. En el curso 1999-2000 trabaja en Madison (Wisconsin) y durante 2003-2009 en educación en el exterior, como Jefe del Departamento de Inglés del Vicente Cañadas Blanch de Londres, Ministerio de Educación de España.
It’s sad, but it’s a reality. Some, if not most, relationships just don’t last forever. Even “perfect couples” break up, and while we all know the reality of it, we still hate to see it happen. Here are some of the most common (and maybe not so common) reasons why couples break up. Read more
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