to separate the sheep from the goats = to distinguish good people from bad people (=diferenciar entre bueno y malo, separar el agua del aceite)

a wolf in sheep's clothing = somebody who appears friendly or harmless but is really an enemy (= lobo disfrazado de cordero, impostor, hipócrita)

like sheep = easily influenced by others (=behave like + sheep = comportarse como borregos.
to count sheep = to imagine sheep jumping over a fence and count them, as a way of getting to sleep

every time the sheep bleats, it loses a mouthful = oveja que bala, bocado pierde

like a lamb (to the slaughter) = without realising that something dangerous is going to happen( = como cordero al matadero.)

the black sheep (of the family) = somebody regarded as a failure or embarrassment(= la oveja negra de la familia,)
as meek as a lamb = humble, obedient(= tan manso como un cordero, tan suave como un guante).

a mutton dressed as a lamb = older person wearing clothes made for younger people(= aunque la mona se vista de seda, mona se queda)

to make sheep's eyes at somebody = to look at somebody in a way that shows you love him (=hacerle ojitos a alguien)

God tempers the wind to the shorn lamb = Dios aprieta pero no ahoga

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