a dog's life = constantly worried, troubled or miserable
- every dog has his day = everyone can succeed sooner or later
- love me, love my dog = if one loves somebody, one should love everyone and everything associated with him
- to be like a dog with two tails = to be very happy
- to give a dog a bad name (and hang him) = once a person has lost his reputation, it's difficult to regain it
- to go to the dog = (an organization) become less efficient (arruinarse)
- to let sleeping dogs lie = to let it be quiet (=dejar lasm cosas como están)
- to make a dog's breakfast of something = to do something very badly
- not to stand/have a dog's chance = to have no chance at all
- to work like a dog = to work a lot
- to treat somebody like a dog = to treat somebody with no respect at all
- to die like a dog = to die in misery, with no honour nor dignity
- dog eat dog = (adj) when people compete against each other and do anything to get what they want; a dog eat dog world/situation.
- the tail wagging the dog = situation in which a minor part of something controls the course of the whole (=empezar la casa por el tejado)
- his bark is worse than his bite = perro que ladra no muerde
- barking dogs seldom/never bite = people who look aggressive are not really too bad
- you can't teach an old dog new tricks = it's difficult for an old person to change or do new things
- top dog = person who has the most power in a group
- the underdog = a person or team that is weaker than the others, and is always expected to be unsuccessful (= el perdedor)
- doggy bag = small bag for taking home the food that is left over from a meal in a restaurant
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