- Antibacterial handwashes are building up resistance of superbugs
- Products leave long-lasting residues which accumulates in environment
- High association was found between anti-bacterial agents and bacteria which are resistant to antibiotics. READ MORE
Burgers and bacon every 2 days ‘good’ says research
Acid reflux symptoms: GP reveals the food which will give YOU heartburn
ACID REFLUX, also known as heartburn can cause an unpleasant taste in the mouth, a sore throat and a chronic cough - but also pain in the chest. The condition however, can be triggered by eating certain foods.
Heartburn can be triggered by overfilling the stomach, and several foods and drinks associated with Christmas are reported as common triggers. the juices cause irritation resulting in symptoms such as indigestion or heartburn.
“The main foods to avoid are spicy food, onions and garlic and caffeinated drinks, including coffee.”
Other food people should aim to avoid include citrus fruits such as oranges and even avoid orange juice - which can make symptoms worse.
Tomatoes and chocolate can also trigger symptoms in some sufferers. Express
Grandma was right! Apple cider vinegar is the one-stop product for health and beauty and can prevent heart attacks and dandruff
How to Get Rid of Bad Breath Naturally

Here are simple methods to help test yourself for bad breath.
- First, take a piece of unwaxed, unflavored white dental floss. Floss between your upper and lower back molars. Now examine the floss. Is it red or brown? Wait about 45 seconds and then smell it. Does it have a bad odor? If so, then you probably have bad breath.
- Next, with clean fingers pull your tongue forward. With your other hand and a clean white washcloth, rub or scrape the furthest back portion of your tongue two or three times. Wait for 45 seconds and then smell the cloth. Is there a bad odor?
- Bewellbuzz
Aluminium DOES cause Alzheimer's: Expert says new findings confirm the metal plays a role in the devastating brain disease .
There has been a strong link between human exposure to aluminium and the incidence of Alzheimer’s disease for half a century or more.
However, without definite proof, there is still no consensus in the scientific community about the role of this known neurotoxin in this devastating brain disease.
Individuals who develop Alzheimer’s disease in their late sixties and older also accumulate more aluminium in their brain tissue than individuals of the same age without the disease.
Environmental or occupational exposure to aluminium results in higher levels of aluminium in human brain tissue and an early onset form of sporadic Alzheimer’s disease.
Men taking a sauna 4-7 times a week were 66 per cent less likely to be diagnosed with dementia than those taking a sauna once a week, the 20-year follow-up study from the the University of Eastern Finland found.
However, without definite proof, there is still no consensus in the scientific community about the role of this known neurotoxin in this devastating brain disease.
Individuals who develop Alzheimer’s disease in their late sixties and older also accumulate more aluminium in their brain tissue than individuals of the same age without the disease.
Environmental or occupational exposure to aluminium results in higher levels of aluminium in human brain tissue and an early onset form of sporadic Alzheimer’s disease.
Frequent sauna bathing can reduce the risk of dementia, a new study has claimed.
The study is the first to link sauna bathing to dementia risk.
Brush teeth to beat Arthritis: Bugs that cause gum disease linked to rheumatoid arthritis
BRUSHING your teeth could help ward off the agony of rheumatoid arthritis, according to new research. More than 700,000 people in Britain now suffer from arthritis which destroys soft tissue, cartilage and bone. It affects mainly, but not exclusively, the elderly. EXpress
Lung cancer NEWS: Simple painkiller IBUPROFEN could reduce risk of deadly disease
IBUPROFEN may lower the risk of lung cancer among those with a history of cigarette smoking, experts have revealed. Scientists and medics have previously established that chronic inflammation appears to increase the risk of lung cancer, and medicines that reduce inflammation have been shown to reduce this risk. EXPRESS
Eating one egg a day 'slashes the risk of a stroke by 12%'
A study, which involved more than 275,000 participants, evaluated the relationship between eating eggs and coronary heart disease plus stroke.
"Eggs do have many positive nutritional attributes, including antioxidants, which have been shown to reduce oxidative stress and inflammation.
"They are also an excellent source of protein, which has been related to lower blood pressure."
Eat nuts every day to cut heart and cancer risk: Just a handful can reduce chance of dying early by a fifth
Nostradamus predictions for 2017: Terrifying forewarnings of 16th century prophet revealed
China could make bold moves to cure the “economic imbalance” in the world with far-reaching effects, according to believers.
Italy could face financial hardship with rising unemployment and loans making it the “epicentre” of a fresh eurozone crisis.
The “current superpower”, believed to be a reference to the US, is expected to become increasingly ungovernable and incompetent in the year that Mr Trump enters office.
The most terrifying of the alleged prophecies is a “Hot War” over global warming and diminishing resources, with the greatest threats said to be biological warfare and terrorism.
Read more
Italy could face financial hardship with rising unemployment and loans making it the “epicentre” of a fresh eurozone crisis.
The “current superpower”, believed to be a reference to the US, is expected to become increasingly ungovernable and incompetent in the year that Mr Trump enters office.
The most terrifying of the alleged prophecies is a “Hot War” over global warming and diminishing resources, with the greatest threats said to be biological warfare and terrorism.
Read more
Uncontrollable pain and muscle weakness are symptoms of THIS incurable hereditary disease
A NEUROLOGICAL condition which causes loss of muscle, touch sensation and mobility issues could affect up to 23,000 people in the UK - and some might not even know about it. EXPRESS
What should I take paracetamol for?

Stillbirth risk rises when an expectant mother sleeps on her back: Position puts more stress on the unborn child because it reduces its oxygen consumption
9 ways to beat the winter blues and avoid getting SAD
These are the commonly ignored health symptoms that we should ALWAYS check up on
According to medical professionals involved in the study, the most commonly ignored symptoms which should ALWAYS be checked out, are a persistent cough lasting over three weeks (20 percent of Brits have ignored), changes in urinary or bowel movements (19 percent) and persistent headaches and blurring of vision (14 percent). The research also found 11 percent of women have put off seeing a doctor after discovering a lump in their breast, while 9 percent of British men have not seen a doctor after finding a testicular lump. Mirror
Keep calm...and carry on breathing: The simple exercises that can alleviate pain and help sufferers cope with anxiety, stress and depression
For thousands of years, people have used simple breathing exercises that can have profound effects on the mind and body and help sufferers cope with anxiety, stress and depression. Mirror
Alzheimer's disease: The six foods YOU should eat to REDUCE risk of condition
EATING a healthy diet can protect the organs in the body but it can also reduce the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease. Eat: Blueberries, Eggs, Ginger, Wholegrain foods, Nuts, Oily fish. Read more
Need to lower your blood pressure? Eating a handful of THESE could have an amazing effect
EATING cashew nuts could lower blood pressure naturally, reducing the risk of life-threatening health conditions such as heart attacks.The nuts contain high levels of magnesium and potassium - which are essential elements in the human body.
Magnesium helps keep heart rhythm steady, is vital for healthy bones and teeth, muscle function, the nervous system and keeps bowels healthy. Express
Ankylosing Spondylitis and fibromyalgia: Woman describes treatment 'life-changing'
A WOMAN who suffers from debilitating illnesses Ankylosing Spondylitis and Fibromyalgia has found a way of easing her pain which she has described as 'life-changing'.Ankylosing spondylitis (AS) is a chronic condition in which the spine and other areas of the body become inflamed.But she has since tried out a vibration training platform which she said has improved her symptoms. READ MORE
Donald Trump IS the next US President after stunning election win over shell-shocked Hillary Clinton
Donald Trump IS the next US President after stunning election win over shell-shocked Hillary Clinton
Desperate to lower your cholesterol? FORGET statins..THIS everyday food has amazing effect
In fact, experts have found garlic can boost sex drive and contains antioxidants which protect the function of the brain. EXPRESS
Nine foods to boost fertility: This diet could help you get pregnant
EATING the right food and following the right diet can dramatically increase the chances of healthy ovulation, support a healthy pregnancy but most of all increase fertility. The nutritionist recommended people looking to get pregnant could avoid soya beans, high gluten grains such as wheat and even some low fat products. She also recommended people should reduce their intake of sugar, which means many processed foods and soft drink should be eliminated from the diet. “A bad diet, being overweight or obese, smoking, drinking and unhealthy working conditions can affect the quality of sperm and stop you getting pregnant.
Are you TOO stressed? 10 signs your stress levels are too high... and 11 ways to beat it .
How Negative Emotions Affect Your Health
Negative emotions, including the ones we take for granted, such as anxiety, fear, frustration, envy, and doubt can affect your health to a great degree. Certain occurrences in life, such as getting fired from the job, experiencing monetary problems, going through a tumultuous marriage, or coping with the death of a loved one, can wreak havoc on one’s mental and emotional state and in turn take a toll on the body.
Best food to increase your sex drive: How eggs and almonds can BOOST a flagging libido.
Cannabis users five times more like to develop schizophrenia than someone who has never smoked it.
Danish researchers trawled more than 3.1million people’s medical records to ascertain the link between cannabis use and schizophrenia.Regular cannabis users are more than five times more likely to develop a serious mental disorder.
Cannabis creates a greater mental health risk than any other substance, including class A drugs, scientists have found. Mailonline
Cannabis creates a greater mental health risk than any other substance, including class A drugs, scientists have found. Mailonline
Pensioners can boost their brain power 'by building up their muscle strength'
BUILDING up muscles boosts brain power as well as physical power for pensioners, according to a new study. The new findings, published in the Journal of American Geriatrics, show, for the first time, a “positive causal link” between muscle adaptations to progressive resistance training and the functioning of the brain among people over 55 with MCI. Doctor Mavros said: “The more we can get people doing resistance training like weight lifting, the more likely we are to have a healthier ageing population. READ MORE
A glass of red wine a day can help women get pregnant
The natural compound resveratrol, found in red wine, can prevent women developing polycystic ovary syndrome, the leading cause of female infertility. Mirror
Keep YOUR heart healthy with these 10 'wonder foods' (and yes, chocolate IS on the list)
Eating EGGS can protect against HEART DISEASE and increase 'good cholesterol'
"Our relationship with the humble egg has been somewhat rocky over the years,"“This led to a recommended limit on daily intake and a dietary misunderstanding that spanned the better part of 40 years. However, Nutritionally they have an enviable nutrient profile consisting of a rich protein source containing all 9 essential amino acids and a source of 13 vitamins and minerals. Eggs are also a rich source of choline, which may help to protect against memory loss, and certain antioxidants including lutein and zeaxanthin that studies have shown could protect against age related macular degeneration, which is a key contributor of blindness.
Eggs and cholesterol
It is widely believed that eggs are a major source of dietary cholesterol, which was once considered a contributory factor to increased risk of heart disease and stroke, but a recent study confirms that this is not the case.
Eggs and cholesterol
Studies also show that in certain cases dietary cholesterol from eggs may in fact raise the levels of ‘good’ cholesterol, which could help to protect against cardiovascular disease.
A 42p cucumber could CURE erectile dysfunction without causing Viagra-like side effects
10 Reasons to Drink Lemon Water Every Morning
Want to boost your immune system, rev up your metabolism and feel more energetic? A morning cup of lukewarm lemon water can do all this and more! Read on for more reasons to drink that daily elixir. READ MORE
Gout diet: Forget the foods to avoid - here's how much you can REALLY drink
GOUT is a condition often associated with a rich diet - and people often question what they should be eating and drinking to avoid painful gout. Research has revealed men who drink more than two drinks a day could increase their chance of getting gout.“It is also a good idea to cut back on alcohol, as too much increases uric acid production and reduces your body’s ability to get rid of it - especially beer, which is itself rich in purines.” People should reduce their intake of uric acid-forming foods, such as liver, kidney and other organ meats (offal), shellfish, game, meats (especially beef, pork or lamb) and yeast extracts.“Apples contain malic acid, which helps to keep uric acid in solution so it is easily flushed from the body. Express
Eating ‘miracle’ vegetable BROCCOLI three times a week cuts cancer risk and THIS is why
EATING broccoli three or four times a week can protect against cancer because of health-boosting compounds in the vegetable - according to experts.Jack Juvik, University of Illinois geneticist, said: "Phenolic compounds have good antioxidant activity, and there is increasing evidence that this antioxidant activity affects biochemical pathways affiliated with inflammation in mammals. READ MORE
Why popping a spot could KILL you: Dermatologist reveals 'danger zone' where any infection can spread to the brain
Dermatologist Dr Vishal Maden, from Salford, said infections caused by picking spots from the bridge of the nose to the corners of the mouth, could lead to vision loss, paralysis or even death. READ MORE
Coffee really CAN help to prevent dementia: Just two cups a day 'cuts the risk of developing it by 36 per cent'
Benefits of Cinnamon and Pepper
rubrics english assessment
Michelle Prytula from the College of Education at the University of Saskatchewan discusses assessing using rubrics. This is part of our Course Design video series.
Suffer from excruciating back pain? Six exercises YOU can do to prevent it
Pedro Sánchez resigns as leader of Spain's Socialist party
Ex-leader lost party assembly vote by 132 to 107 after 10-hour debate, potentially signalling the end of a nine-month standoff in Spanish politics. The guardian
This is how you should really brush your teeth

"You should wait at least 30 minutes after eating to brush the teeth, otherwise the acid can damage the tooth surface," he said
“Before bed is most important as we have reduced saliva flow when we are asleep. Saliva would usually help naturally buffer the acids in the mouth. Read More
Too good to be true? The top 10 superfoods that will help you fight cravings AND shed the pounds

Nutritionists Lily Soutter and Shona Wilkinson, from London, share their tips for what to eat when you're trying to lose weight. They say quinoa will 'fight sugar cravings', and almonds keep you 'fuller for longer'. Mailonline
One cup of watermelon contains around 45 calories. It is one of the best ingredients for many of your summer drinks. Use this fruit to prepare juices and smoothies. A glass of water with some watermelon added to it make an excellent refreshing summer drink. Watermelon contains all necessary nutrients to help you stay healthy and in good shape. Besides its slimming effect watermelon reduces the risk of heart disease, stroke, and cancer.
One cup of watermelon contains around 45 calories. It is one of the best ingredients for many of your summer drinks. Use this fruit to prepare juices and smoothies. A glass of water with some watermelon added to it make an excellent refreshing summer drink. Watermelon contains all necessary nutrients to help you stay healthy and in good shape. Besides its slimming effect watermelon reduces the risk of heart disease, stroke, and cancer.
How to cut YOUR chances of getting cancer: Expert reveals 8 proven ways to help protect against the deadly disease
Brad Pitt 'investigated for child abuse': LA social services probe claims he 'physically and verbally abused his children after getting wasted on private jet' - the day before Jolie ended their marriage
How a teaspoon of TURMERIC may ward off cancer: Spice is hailed as new superfood that will cure everything from heartburn to food poisoning .
REVEALED: How not getting the right amount of sleep could affect your HEART
Food For Thought
Be positive! ~ Make an effort to see the glass half full and always look for the silver lining in any situation. If you notice a negative thought creeping into your mind, counteract it with a powerful, positive affirmation.
Eating your dinner after this time could seriously raise your chances of dying from a heart attack
Having dinner less than two hours before you go to bed did more damage than a high salt diet. Now for the first time a study has revealed a link between eating late and a lethal form of high blood pressure which can trigger heart attacks. READ MORE
Why using handwash can do MORE harm than good: Antibacterial soaps 'are helping superbugs to thrive'
101 things to do in London

Just ONE glass of wine a day cuts a woman's chance of conceiving by 18% in a year.
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