Romans traditionally kept a dish of cumin at the dining table to be used as a condiment, just as we keep salt and pepper shakers. It was later brought to Spain and Portugal, who are credited with introducing cumin to the Americas. Now it’s largely grown in the nations of Mexico, China, Syria, Chile, Iran, Turkey and the USA.
 Romans traditionally kept a dish of cumin at the dining table to be used as a condiment, just as we keep salt and pepper shakers. It was later brought to Spain and Portugal, who are credited with introducing cumin to the Americas. Now it’s largely grown in the nations of Mexico, China, Syria, Chile, Iran, Turkey and the USA.

Cumin Uses
Cumin is rich with nutrients. It provides calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium and zinc. It also contains B vitamins, nourishing to the nervous system, and Vitamins A, C, and E.
Cumin is famously used to treat flatulence. For prevention, sprinkle it as you would salt and pepper in cabbage soup or on beans, for instance; add a teaspoon to some yogurt and enjoy; or simply enjoy the toasted seeds.
Nursing Mothers
Because it contains thymol, Cumin is considered a galactagogue, increasing the production of breast milk. Stir warmed milk with honey and add cumin to taste. It can also be combined with other galactagogues such as fenugreek and fennel for higher potency. Midwives attest to the power of cumin to induce labor by causing the uterus to contract. Talk to you doctor or midwife before considering! Also, the recommended tea can be bitter. Some recipes recommend a little salt and some coriander; others, lemon and honey. I say, within reason,play!

Oral health and hygiene
To freshen breath and help cure mouth sores, chew on the toasted seeds.
Peace & Wellness
Finally, research has shown that depression and stress wreak havoc on our bodies, whereas tranquility and joy are key factors to our health. As the ancient proverb says, “A heart of peace gives life to the body, but envy rots the bones.” Peace for the soul is peace for the body. I pray you would be filled up and overflowing with peace so that you can delight in the many spices of life.

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