Emotional problems such as depression, low self-esteem, anxiety and panic attacks are commonly treated by opening the chakras to restore free flow of energy to the body’s physical and emotional systems.
Physical ailments can be healed as well. Chronic pain, asthma, joint stiffness and many other physical symptoms are representative of energy blockages. If the energy blockages are removed and harmonious balance is restored, the symptoms can spontaneously disappear.
Here’s how to get started:
1. Change your attitude. A lot of your attitude – or outlook on life – flies below the radar, outside your awareness. It’s due to persistent negative beliefs. These are the same beliefs that caused the energy blockages in the first place! Notice any areas of struggle in your life: these clearly point to self-limiting beliefs you hold about yourself: for example, “I’m not good enough to be successful” or “Nobody can love someone like me.” You don’t even know these beliefs exist, yet they manifest in your life circumstances and in your health problems!
2. Know your body. Not many of us are all that attuned to our bodies. Be aware of the physical feelings you have, every day – not just the big aches and pains, but the more subtle things like persistent but less annoying things you may have just gotten used to: dry skin, bloating, gas, fatigue, low libido, etc. These are signs from your body that something’s not right! The body does a great job of self-repair, when given a chance, but any persistent problem means the system is out of balance.
3. Listen to your intuition. Your inner guidance is always available to teach you and point you in the right direction. Its guidance sometimes goes counter to the intellect. You can open the doors to intuition by meditation or prayer. Your answers come in the form of hunches, visual images, sounds, gut feelings, memories or a ‘knowing’. These feelings can be strong or subtle. You may receive answers in your dreams. These can be tough to interpret because the symbols used by the mind are sometimes bizarre. Keep a dream journal and write down and interpret every dream you can remember – especially the recurring ones, which are essential to understand! The more you learn to listen to your intuition, the easier you will come to notice it and trust it.
Meditation and visualization are two healing techniques
4. Direct your energy. Focus your mental and emotional energy on healing. Visualize the body as completely healthy (not ‘being healed’ or ‘healing’ which is the process, not the end result). Also avoid giving thought to the existing condition because ‘what you think about, comes about’. Visualize the end result you want – perfect health in every aspect of the word! Use the visualization techniques described above to specifically direct the healing energy.
5. Allow. Allow the healing to work. Don’t second-guess, don’t doubt. Set your intention to heal, use visualization and emotional power of thoughts, and kick back and let your body do its thing!
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