Small habits can reap big benefits

According to a new book, just a few small lifestyle changes can make you happier and healthier

Good health: regular yoga sessions can work wonders
Good health: regular yoga sessions can work wonders 
Were you relieved to learn that simply getting up from your desk regularly is more effective than vigorous gym routines at preventing type 2 diabetes, according to research reported last week? If so, you’ll love the energy guru Oliver Gray’s theory that good health is all about sweating the small stuff.
Like the University of Leicester experts – who found that reducing sitting time by 90 minutes per day, just by getting up more often, could lead to important health benefits (including reduced cholesterol and blood sugar levels) – Oliver recommends thoughtful, albeit tiny, adjustments to our daily routines to boost energy and improve quality of life.
Oliver, who has just written a book Energise You (energiseyou.com), explains: “Changing your daily habits can be hugely significant – but not painful. For example, people get put off exercise when they connect it to hour-long sessions in the gym. But being active at home is just as powerful. You need to move around as much as possible – about five minutes every half-hour is manageable.”
He adds: “Try to do something every morning – a 20-minute walk or a
20-minute yoga session. Research shows that people who exercise in the morning are much more consistent exercisers long-term. Once the day gets under way, it is easier to get distracted.”
This is just one of Oliver’s golden rules. The others include having a light evening meal: “If you eat a big portion in the evening you don’t digest it so well, so sleep is affected” – and staying away from technology for at least an hour before bed.
“Modern computers are very stimulating to the nervous system, so you are less likely to get a good night’s rest. I also suggest 'early to bed, early to rise’ at least four times a week. Between 10pm and 1.30am is when the best sleep happens.”
Oliver points out that a good night’s sleep means you can get up earlier, creating more time to have a healthy breakfast and perhaps take that 20-minute walk. “It sets up a virtuous cycle and a positive energy flow; it kick-starts the day.”
One of his favourite tips – others will be dispensed at the Vitality Show in London on March 22 at an energy workshop – is drinking Matcha green tea from Japan, which contains 137 times the antioxidants of regular green tea, plus the amino acids theophylline and L-Theanine, which can stimulate the brain, helping concentration. Oliver suggests you drink Matcha as part of a “super hydration” routine. “You need to get lots of liquid every day, principally from water and herbal tea, for optimum health.”
When it comes to food, he recommends replacing fast-release carbohydrates such as white bread and pasta with slow-release carbs such as oats or quinoa, and green vegetables. Combine this with protein for a three to four hour energy boost.
Meanwhile, if you’re reading this article while also checking your emails and perhaps completing a quick manicure, stop. Oliver warns that everyone (especially women) multitasks too much these days. What was a talent is now information overload. “Do one thing at a time well,” he cautions. So don’t get disrupted.
And do take a tech break at lunchtime. Leave your screen and move about. Don’t take your BlackBerry with you.
“We spend the whole day near a screen – on the phone, iPad, TV, or PC. Unglue yourself a bit. Steal back some time and space,” Oliver says.
“Improve your health and energy levels with small changes. Try to start three new good habits a month, and you’re on the right track.”
The telegraph.

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